Transcend Media Service – by John Scales Avery

As we stand in line for security checks at airports, we may have the distinct feeling that we are being herded like cattle. Air travel has changed, and has become distinctly less pleasant, since the fear of terrorism replaced the fear of communism as the excuse that governments give for diverting colossal sums of money from desperately needed social goals to the bottomless pit of war. Innocent grandmothers, and their grandchildren, are required to remove their shoes and belts. Everyone is treated like a criminal. It is a humiliating experience. We may well feel like dumb driven cattle; and the purpose of the charade is not so much to prevent airliners from being sabotaged as it is to keep the idea of terrorism fresh in our minds.   Continue reading “Are We Being Driven Like Cattle?”

PTR.jpgFox News – by Joshua Rhett Miller

From beat cops to cashiers to Gov. Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s newest gun manufacturer has received an “absolutely tremendous” amount of support since leaving Connecticut for The Palmetto State, according to the firm’s CEO.

Josh Fiorini, CEO of PTR Industries, formerly of Bristol., Conn., told that the firm’s new facility in Aynor, S.C., remains a week away from production, but 11 local employees began sorting inventory on Monday along with a team of training personnel from Connecticut. The manufacturer of military-style rifles announced in April that it intended to leave Bristol following the passage of gun-control legislation after the shooting deaths of 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown.   Continue reading “Locked & loaded: Gun maker finds warmer surroundings in South Carolina after leaving Connecticut”

The Weather Channel

After pounding the Midwest and Great Lakes during the weekend, snow from Winter Storm Ion started to move into the East. But the snow is just part one. The coldest air in nearly two decades filtered in from the Upper Midwest all the way to the Southeast.

“The streets tonight are like ice skating rinks,” said The Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel, reporting live from Indianapolis Monday evening. Parts of Indiana had seen 15 inches of snow before temperatures bottomed out Monday.    Continue reading “Winter Storm Ion: State-By-State Impacts”

Photo Courtesy of Jesus GomezStoryLeak – by Mikael Thalen

Following continued news of disturbing sea life occurrences off the West Coast, scientists in Mexico’s Scammon’s Lagoon, also known as Laguna Ojo de Liebre, have discovered what appears to be the first ever documented case of conjoined gray whale calves.

Discovered last Sunday, the calves, which did not survive, measured in just under seven feet long, much smaller than the average newborn length of 12 to 16 feet.   Continue reading “Scientists Discover Conjoined Gray Whale Calves Dying Near West Coast”

Still from YouTube video/Tactix94RT News

A Nebraska family filed suit Monday against dozens of police officers alleging that they turned a parking violation into a rough arrest and violating the family’s constitutional rights by breaking into a nearby home and confiscating video of the incident.

Four Omaha police officers initially responded to a complaint on March 21, 2013 that Octavius Johnson had parked his truck in the wrong area of the street. A video of the incident recorded from an upstairs window shows police throwing Johnson to the ground and punching him multiple times as a number of other officers rush to the scene.   Continue reading “Parking violation turns into police assault caught on video – lawsuit”

unconstitutionalThe Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

Eleven state attorneys general signed a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to warn that they will fight Obama’s illegal changes to the ACA.

The letter was signed by the attorneys general of Texas, West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Virginia.   Continue reading “Warning to Obama: Legal Battle Against Obamacare is Just Beginning”

WND – by Tsvi Sadan, Israel Today

Barack Obama’s autobiography seems to be as complex as the president himself. Tzach Yoked, writing in Maariv this week, exposed to Israelis, perhaps for the first time, that among the American president’s eight half-brothers is one, Mark Obama Ndesandjo, who is Jewish.

Obama’s father had four wives – two Kenyan-born women and two white American women, the Christian mother of Barack Obama, Ann Dunham, and the Jewish mother of Mark Obama, Ruth Baker. Ruth was born to a Jewish family that immigrated to the United States from Lithuania. She married Obama Sr. in 1964 and moved to Kenya. Ruth divorced her husband after seven years of abusive marriage.   Continue reading “Who knew? Obama has a Jewish brother”

straw bale – by Marc Lallanilla

A house made of straw? Didn’t the big bad wolf blow that down?

The little piggy who made his house of straw didn’t fare too well, but Nebraska pioneers of the 1800s found that straw bale homes were an ideal shelter for the windswept prairies. Straw was — and is — as readily available throughout the Great Plains as it is worldwide, and many of those straw bale homes are still standing.   Continue reading “Let’s Talk About Straw Bale Homes”

Public Intelligence

The following guide was obtained from the website of the Jordanian Armed Forces Center for Studies and Lessons Learned.



Law enforcement agencies throughout the nation are increasingly adopting automated license plate recognition (ALPR) technologies, which function to automatically capture an image of the vehicle’s license plate, transform that image into alphanumeric characters, compare the plate number acquired to one or more databases of vehicles of interest, and alert the officer when a vehicle of interest has been observed, all within a matter of seconds.(spying on citizens & tracking our every movement)   Continue reading “The growing use of license plate readers and its threat to privacy”

msgowlTruthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

…because a natural food cooking process always involves treating genetically modified bacteria with penicillin, lye, a vat of acid, cryogenic freezing, silicon oil, and more lye…

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) has become a very popular food additive over the past century, with Japanese scientists first isolating from seaweed for industrial purposes. The appeal, and danger, of MSG comes from the intense flavors of the free glutamate form of the non-essential amino acid, glutamic acid, which also delivers rapid stimulation to the brain and central nervous system when not in the bound form. These free glutamates have the tendency to overstimulate neurons to the point of cell death, while triggering an insulin response. More generally, MSG is used in food production to give cheap yet almost additive taste that arguably makes people crave more and more processed foods.   Continue reading “MSG: So Natural that It Only Takes GMO Bacteria, 17+Steps and a Lab to Make It”