Breitbart – by Lana Shadwick

A Facebook post for a protest dubbed “Destroy the Confederacy” at Sam Houston Park in Houston on Saturday warns “*Do NOT bring children.” A group “committed to protecting Texas and Texas History,” “This Is Texas Freedom Force” (TITFF), says demonstrators plan to tear down a Confederate statue. They also warn there will be violence.

The promoters of the protest tell potential attendees: “We will meet at Sam Houston Park (right in front of Houston City hall) to demand that the City of Houston ERASE THE CONFEDERACY! It is a STAIN IN THE FABRIC of our history that needs to be removed.”  Continue reading “‘Do NOT Bring Children’ Warns Texas ‘Destroy the Confederacy’ Organizers”


AIN ISSA, Syria (Reuters) – Washington’s main Syrian ally in the fight against Islamic State says the U.S. military will remain in northern Syria long after the jihadists are defeated, predicting enduring ties with the Kurdish-dominated region.

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of militias dominated by the Kurdish YPG, believes the United States has a “strategic interest” in staying on, SDF spokesman Talal Silo told Reuters.   Continue reading “U.S. forces to stay in Syria for decades, say militia allies”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

It doesn’t take courage to denounce Nazism. Moreover, it appears many of the people incessantly proclaiming how anti-Nazi they are, happen to be the same folks who have the most to answer for when it comes to all sorts of transgressions against the world over the past couple of decades. That said, I’ll give my my quick two cents on the Nazi, white supremacist hysteria currently being amplified by the corporate media.

The general proclivity to obsess about how one’s group, whether it be a nation, political tribe, or race/religion is superior to all others represents such a immature and unconscious way of seeing the world, it’s really is hard for me to believe so many people still see reality through such a lens. This type of thinking tends to attract very insecure people. People who cannot look at themselves individually and be proud of the person they see. As such, they scurry around looking for a group with an established superiority myth which they can then latch themselves onto in order to feel better about themselves.  Continue reading “Nazi Fears and ‘Hate Speech’ Hysteria are Being Amplified to Attack Civil Liberties”

Before It’s News – by Lorie Kramer

It’s Verdict Watch in the most recent Bundy trial. Standing in solidarity with her husband, Eric “Black Hat Man” Parker, Andrea was gagged and handcuffed in front of the Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas, NV, as supporters of the Tier 3 Bundy trial defendants wait outside for a verdict. They brought in the mock jail cell from the original Camp Liberty for the protest…the placement of the cell was approved by the Department of Homeland Security.  The Las Vegas Metro PD came down, 9 LEOs to one woman, gagged and handcuffed behind her back.  The group complied under duress, and the cell was removed, effectively shutting down the rest of that day’s planned protest.   Continue reading “Bundy Trial Alert – Las Vegas Metro PD Strikes Again – Orders DHS Approved Protest Cell Removed”

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Archive: ITTBF 8-17-17

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Trump ignited a political firestorm yesterday during an impromptu press conference in which he said there was “blame on both sides” for the tragic events that occurred in Charlottesville over the weekend.

Now, the discovery of a craigslist ad posted last Monday, almost a full week before the Charlottesville protests, is raising new questions over whether paid protesters were sourced by a Los Angeles based “public relations firm specializing in innovative events” to serve as agitators in counterprotests.  Continue reading “Why Was This ‘Crowd Hire’ Company Recruiting $25 An Hour ‘Political Activists’ In Charlotte Last Week?”

College Fix – by Matthew Stein

Officials at Yale University recently censored a stone work of art on campus depicting an armed Native American and Puritan side by side, which has been described as a “hostile” image by the Ivy League institution’s alumni magazine.

The stone carving was edited to cover up the Puritan’s musket, while the Native American’s bow was left as is, reports Yale Alumni Magazine.   Continue reading “Yale University censors ‘hostile’ historic artwork”

NPR – by John Henning Schumann

The events that unfolded in Charlottesville last weekend are a stark reminder of how far we haven’t come as a nation. Like so many Americans, I am horrified that white supremacist and neo-Nazi adherents have recently found sanction to put hateful ideologies more overtly on display.

Seeing images of torch-bearers one day and heavily-armed men as would-be militias the next, it’s unsurprising that violence erupted, leading to injuries and death.   Continue reading “After Charlottesville, A Doctor Reflects On Hateful Patients And His Own Biases”

NPR – by James Doubek

Spanish authorities say they’ve rescued 593 migrants at sea in just one day.

The Spanish Maritime Safety & Rescue Agency, also called Salvamento Marítimo, said it recovered the people on 15 boats Wednesday in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea, the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Among the migrants were 39 minors, according to Spain’s state-owned public broadcaster RTVE.   Continue reading “Spain Rescues Nearly 600 People At Sea As Migration Patterns Change”

NPR – by John Burnett

Brandon Martinez, 16, was one of nearly 40 undocumented immigrants found on a blistering summer day inside an unventilated trailer parked at a San Antonio Wal-Mart. Ten died, and Brandon barely survived.

Federal officials who interviewed some of the survivors say that the human cargo was assembled and loaded into the truck in the border city of Laredo.

Some had paid smugglers to take them across the Rio Grande in rafts. One immigrant said there were as many as 200 people in the back of the truck.   Continue reading “He Crossed The Border In A Packed, Unventilated Trailer And Survived”

NPR – by Bill Chappell

A federal grand jury has indicted James Matthew Bradley, Jr., on five counts related to the discovery of dozens of immigrants who were crammed into a semi’s trailer in a Walmart parking lot during hot weather in San Antonio last month.

Ten immigrants died; Bradley is charged with crimes ranging from conspiracy to transport and harbor undocumented aliens for financial gain resulting in death to possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. If convicted, the charges could result in life imprisonment or death.   Continue reading “Driver Faces 5 Charges — And Potential Death Penalty — Over Immigrants’ Deaths”

Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children – by Faye Higbee

Hennepin County in Minneapolis, MN, allowed the Antifa Flag to be raised over city hall in place of the Hennepin County flag as a “gesture of solidarity” with the folks in Charlottesville. Which is a poor way of doing it – Antifa is a violent, anarchist, terrorist organization.   Continue reading “Hennepin County Flag Replaced by Antifa Flag”

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Archive: TWFTT 8-17-17

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Oregon — A wise person once said that insanity can be defined by doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. If we apply this definition to the war on drugs, then every proponent of it needs to be locked in a psychiatric hospital. Not only has kidnapping and caging people for possessing arbitrary substances not worked — but it’s made it far worse.

Using government force, ie the police, to curb addiction has had disastrous results. Not only has the drug war given the United States the world record for the largest prison population but it’s also given rise to one hellish police state. Luckily, however, a very small group of bureaucrats has been able to chip away at the drug war, by slowly rolling back the laws which allow it to continue.   Continue reading “Oregon Sets Major Precedent—Will No Longer Treat Drug Possession as a Felony”

The Daily Sheeple

A recent picture taken of the government’s handiwork while painting a road in Michigan is the source of laughs for many.

A photo was taken of the humorous stunt and it looks like it was created for a meme. It depicts a dead opossum with a yellow line painted on its back. And indeed, it does make quite a meme:   Continue reading “Without The Government, Who Would Paint The Roadkill?”

CBS Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS) — A Chicago pastor has asked the Emanuel administration to remove the names of two presidents who owned slaves from parks on the South Side, saying the city should not honor slave owners in black communities.

A bronze statue of George Washington on horseback stands at the corner of 51st and King Drive, at the northwest entrance to Washington Park.

Bishop James Dukes, pastor of Liberation Christian Center, said he wants the statue gone, and he wants George Washington’s name removed from the park.   Continue reading “Pastor Wants Presidents’ Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery”

The Federalist Papers – by Robert Gehl

The governor of Oregon signed Democrat (and even Republican) supported gun control legislation that would allow authorities to strip firearms from law-abiding citizens.

The bill, signed Wednesday by Gov. Kate Brown, would permit state authorities to seize the firearms of anyone who has been determined as a threat to themselves or others – without any judicial process at all.

The intent is to reduce the number of gun-related suicides, which has been on the rise recently in the state, but Second Amendment advocates were incensed.   Continue reading “Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation Bill Into Law”