Dead Men Don’t Start Revolutions

Two Police Officers Dead In Failed Effort at RevolutionChristopher Cantwell

The good news is, two cops are dead. The bad news is, the two shooters, and what appears to be an innocent bystander are dead too. Officer Alyn Beck, 42, and Officer Igor Soldo, 32, of the Las Vegas Metro Police were gunned down inside Cici’s Pizza while eating lunch. The shooters, one male, one female, whose names have not to my knowledge been released – reportedly shouted “This is the start of a revolution” before opening fire.

My sympathies go out to the owners, employees, and innocent patrons of the Cici’s Pizza, and the innocent bystander who was shot. That’s about where my sympathies for this particular incident end.  

People say the officers were “simply eating lunch” and so this was a clear cut case of murder. I could not disagree more. Those officers were merely taking a short break from the aggressions all police commit day in, and day out. Immediately after they got done with their break, they would inevitably have returned to their regular duties of harassing and extorting motorists, and kidnapping people for possessing plants. They paid for their food, with money that was taken from people under the threats of violence that are taxation, and fines. While it’s a lot easier to draw the connection in something like the Justin Bourque incident, the fact remains that all police are aggressors. There is no such thing as a good cop.

It is by definition, impossible to murder an aggressor. It is an act of defensive, retaliatory, or preventive force, not aggression, to do violence to people who have no doubt harmed peaceful people, and will no doubt continue to harm peaceful people. Every free man, woman, and child has every moral and ethical right to use violence to put a stop to such threats, and the world is a better place without these two police officers victimizing the public.

I respect the choices people like Justin Bourque and Paul Ciancia have made. They identified their aggressors, and took action to stop them from aggressing. They didn’t kill the innocent. They made some effort to educate themselves as to what was wrong with the world, and they effectively traded their lives for their chance to strike a blow against it.What nobody has a right to do, is shoot up a pizzeria, a Walmart, and random innocent people on the streets. If this man and woman thought they were doing something to further the cause of liberty, they have not only failed to do so, they have completely missed the point. Worse than that, now they are dead. So they will never know the joy of understanding liberty, and they will never be able to do anything to further it.

Unfortunately, neither Bourque, nor Ciancia, nor the man and woman from the shooting in Vegas today, did anything to further the cause of liberty. Contrary to the shouts of today’s shooters, this will not be the start of a revolution. If you want to start a revolution, the first thing you need to do, is breathe.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I believe violence will be necessary to bring an end to the State. You know that the violence done by the State, is a far greater crime than any violence a free people could ever hope to do against its agents. You also know that I’m not dead or hiding from murder charges.

People always ask me “Why don’t you start shooting then?” and no matter how many times I answer, they still think this is some breaker of arguments. The answer is simple, because I can’t do anything for liberty if I’m dead or in prison. I will tell you plainly that I was very close to becoming Paul Ciancia or Justin Bourque. After a lifetime of being bullied by the State, dealing with CPS through my teens, tens of thousands of dollars in fines, months in jails, countless amounts of time spent in court rooms, the State has ended life as I knew it for me more than once. There have been multiple times when I just decided it wasn’t worth living anymore. That I should just go out blasting and take as many of them with me as possible. That I would trade my life in for a chance to put a dent in this system that had destroyed me.

For the sake of us all, I’m so glad that I did not take that route. I can honestly tell you that I more ready to die for this cause today than I was at any of those points, and yet I still live. I connected with other people who had the same concerns as me. We organized, we are building communities. We are spreading the message. We are enlightening others. In this cause, I have not only found something worth dying for, I found something worth living for. You can find this too. In the last 30 days I’ve reached something to the tune of 300,000 people with this website. In the last week I’ve reached upwards of 1.4 million on Facebook. If it comes down to me losing my life, I will leave behind a clear and concise record of what it is that I fought for. A large, and growing community of people will know that I was not some lone nutcase, but a passionate, intelligent, articulate person who gave his life for a cause.

While force will ultimately have to be met with force, throwing oneself onto the pile of bodies prematurely does absolutely nothing positive for the cause of liberty. When you get yourself killed or captured, you remove from this world a person who was willing to die for their beliefs. You deny mankind the benefit of hearing you speak without fear. If you feel as I do, that life without liberty is not worth living, if you are ready to kill and die for freedom, then what we need you to do is say so. We need you to write, and make videos, and join a community of people who feel that way too. Raise children. Arm yourself, train, prepare. Produce, work, acquire capital. Understand the problem, see the solution, explain it to other people. That’s how you spark a revolution.

When you terrorize and murder innocent people, when you blow your own brains out, get killed by the enemy, or spend the rest of your life in a cage, all of these things become impossible. Believe me when I tell you, I get it, I really, really do, more than I could possibly articulate here. It just seems like too much to tolerate. You want it to end in any way possible, and getting yourself killed or ending your own life get to looking like far better options than continuing under the boot of the State.

But that’s not how you start a revolution, this is.

9 thoughts on “Dead Men Don’t Start Revolutions

  1. “I respect the choices people like Justin Bourque and Paul Ciancia have made.”

    While I agree with most of the author’s perspective, why is he respecting two CIA agents who were planted to take the fall in their obvious false flag incidents and why is he making them seem like heroes? WTF? Is he demented or something?

  2. Unlikely this ever even happened. The initial reports from yesterday, were dated for today. The surveillance video from the WalMart cameras was dated from 10/29/12. These scumbags just keep getting sloppier and sloppier.
    Check the comments for specific flaws.

    In my opinion, this is what alternative media should be writing about. The initial reports always contain all the mistakes. Then the story gets modified as they go to fit the picture they want to paint.

  3. “Those officers were merely taking a short break from the aggressions all police commit day in, and day out. Immediately after they got done with their break, they would inevitably have returned to their regular duties of harassing and extorting motorists, and kidnapping people for possessing plants.”

    This I absolutely agree with.

    No quarter, no mercy. This is war.

    1. I have seen so many different reports, but in one it stated that they were off duty and in civilian clothes. They can’t get their story straight. This is a hoax, people!!

      1. Oh brother… 🙄 Now they were off duty? So if that’s true, then how the hell did the shooters identify them as cops?

        1. how did they know?
          it was an ambush duh. lol jk

          Im thinking I dont care about anyone who shoots a cop on duty or off. Ill just wait till Christmas and add them to the ‘thanks fruit basket’ list.

  4. We don’t know if anyone died. Everything could have been staged.

    The suspects were asked to leave the Bundy Ranch by the Bundy family. They may have been agent provacateurs.

    We can’t believe what government people report and media propaganda agents parrot.

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