3 thoughts on “The Deep State’s Dramatic Emergence Is Proof Our Elections Mean Nothing

  1. It’s the deep state! It’s the DEEP STATE! OMG, IT’S THE DEEP STATE!!
    I guess it never occurred to the Dykester that if the deep state is controlling everything then that means they wanted Dennis Kucinich to go on tv and say everything he just said. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been allowed to say it.
    “What lovely curtains. Who does your decorating?”
    “Why, three chaps. They call themselves BIS, IMF and World Bank.”
    “Oh, I must simply hire them. I need some new blinds in the sun room. Global Warming don’t you know.”
    “Oh, tosh. Eeeeverybody knows that the sun has nothing to do with that.”
    “Still, better safe than sorry.”

    1. Hi tc:

      Exactly,.. this is nothing more than another distraction video that is designed to keep people off the trail of the real culprits,… the real “Deep State” perpetrators,… like the Zionist-jew-communists pulling Donald Duck’s strings over at the IMF, BIS, World Bank, ESF, and of course, their main henchman, Henry “The Monster” Kissinger.

      JD – US Marines – This video and Kucinich are just another layer in of the deception onion to keep you from recognizing who the great and powerful Oz (jew) is behind the curtain.


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