Democrats elect Chuck Schumer as Senate minority leader

New York Post – by Marisa Schultz

WASHINGTON – Sen. Charles Schumer was elected Senate Minority Leader Wednesday and pledged Democrats have heard the message of the American people that it’s time to change a “rigged” system.

In one of his first moves, Schumer promoted independent Sen. Bernie Sanders to join the leadership team to continue championing his progressive revolt against income equality and special interests.  

“We heard the American people loud and clear,” Schumer said after his leadership election at the Capitol. “They felt that the government wasn’t working for them. They felt that the economy was rigged against them in many places. And the big government was too beholden to big money and special interests.”

The longtime Brooklyn politician said Democrats learned on Election Day that they didn’t connect with many American voters.

“We needed a much sharper, bolder, stronger economic message and we needed to let the American people understand what we all believe that the system is not working for them and we’re going to change it,” Schumer said.

Schumer, 65, was chosen by his colleagues to succeed the retiring Sen. Harry Reid.

He expanded the leadership team from seven to 10 to better represent to geographic and ideological diversity of the Democratic Party with the addition of Sanders, named chair of outreach, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, vice chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, and Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin, as conference secretary.

“There is a debate going on whether we should be a party of the diverse Obama coalition or the blue collar America in the heartland,” Schumer said. “Some think we need to make a choice …I believe there does not have to be a division. In fact, there must not be a division.”

Sanders stood behind Schumer during the press conference but didn’t speak.

Earlier this week, Schumer’s office was briefly overrun by anti-Wall Street protesters who charged he was too beholden to big banks. Sanders declined to defend Schumer’s ties to Wall Street at the time.

“I think the best person to answer that is Senator Schumer,” Sanders said Tuesday. “I think that the power of Wall Street is extraordinary.”

One thought on “Democrats elect Chuck Schumer as Senate minority leader

  1. Change? Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Same bunch of jew who’ve been running every program against the American citizens from the outset of their attack on white people world over. They hide all their heinous crimes behind their ‘whiteness’ with white cucks, while telling all the other races they are not white.

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