Department of Homeland Security: German Homeschooling Family Can Stay

Romeikes-03-04-14Citizen Link – by Bethany Monk

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will allow a German homeschooling family, who has long been seeking asylum in the U.S., to stay in the country. This comes just one day after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the family’s case.

“This is an incredible victory that I can only credit to Almighty God,” said Michael Farris, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). “I also want to thank those who spoke up on this issue.”  

Music teachers Uwe and Hannelore Romeike began homeschooling their five children in Germany in 2006. Two years later, after facing police visits to their home to take their kids to public school, they fled to the United States. HSLDA took the family’s case in 2010. The Romeikes became the first family to obtain asylum based on the protection of homeschooling rights.

The story took a turn for the worse after the Obama administration opposed the family. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Romeikes.

HSLDA started a petition in 2013 urging the administration to let the family stay in the United States. More than 127,000 people signed it.

“We believe that the public outcry made a huge impact,” Farris explained. “What an amazing turnaround — in just 24 hours.”

DHS granted the family “indefinite deferred status.”

Uwe Romeike is thrilled with the news.

“Our entire family is deeply grateful for all the support of our friends and fellow homeschoolers and especially HSLDA,” he said. “I thank God for his hand of blessing and protection over our family. We thank the American government for allowing us to stay here and to peacefully homeschool our children — it’s all we ever wanted.”

2 thoughts on “Department of Homeland Security: German Homeschooling Family Can Stay

    1. I followed this one too, flek, and my first reaction when I saw this was “How MAGNANIMOUS of them, they’re ‘allowing’ them to stay”.

      It’s o.k. for tens of millions of ILLEGAL aliens to come and stay here uncontested. But let just one family try to give their own kids a decent education (as opposed to ‘public school indoctrination’), and they break out the riot squad.


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