DERECHO: Corn Crop Catastrophe, Grain Stores Destroyed, Food Prices (Developing)

August 10, 2020
Massive “derecho” devastates US corn crop, with tens of millions of acres of corn affected. As well, many grain silos and elevators were destroyed, and with them tons of “on farm storage” — what remains of the US Strategic Grain Reserve. Yields will be reduced for ALL of those acres, particularly where damage was severe or irrigation was destroyed.

2 thoughts on “DERECHO: Corn Crop Catastrophe, Grain Stores Destroyed, Food Prices (Developing)

  1. So how will “they” destroy far west Texas? Five year drought (like 2011, 7 inches total of rain and no rain for ten months straight–October 2010 until July 2011)? Or the opposite (2004 on steroids…in 2004 we had 60 plus inches of rain from May to October, double the usual in a good year; meanwhile, no rain hardly in the southeast, esp. Georgia), so that floods destroy roads, ranches, etc.? Forcefully remove us into FEMA or stack ‘n packs since this is in the “Constitution free Zone”? Because unless We the People round “them” up, put ’em on trial and send them to Antarctica (or somewhere else where “they” will be forced to eat each other), this is only the beginning.

    Memo to Christians: what did Jesus do to the banksters and their money changing tables? You know the answer to that…so why are you and we not doing the same thing? Afraid of the “Pharisees”? Stop with your nonsense about “loving your enemy” and “turning the other cheek”…I really do not think Christ wants us to just let “them” and their minions to just take everything you have including your self-respect, do you?

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