Detox juice recipe: Apple Beet Juice

Apple Beet JuiceOrganic Talks – by Stanka Vukelić

This is a very simple to make juice, which helps boosting your immune system and detoxifying your liver.

We’re constantly consuming toxins, whether it is from air, clothes, drinks or food, and your liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. One of the best—and easiest—things you can eat or drink to help detoxify your liver is: fruits like apples, and veggies like beets.  

In Chinese’s medicine, a healthy liver is associated with happiness. A healthy liver will make your life more happy, creative and joyful.

All you need is a juicer, apples, and beetroots. Juice them with their skins on and consume right after making it. Best, of course, is if you use organically grown produce, but if you cannot get your hands on it, consider washing them with sodium bicarbonate (video below).

Do not store, or if, then for a really short time (1 day). How many apples or beets you add to the juice is up to your own taste.

We drink approx. 64 oz (2 liters) of juice – each 32 oz (1 liter) for one serving. This is part of our lunch: first we drink the juice, and after 1/2 hour, we a eat big, big green salad.

Detox juice recipe: Apple Beet Juice

Preparation time: 30 min.

Ingredients for 2 – 4 people (64 oz – approx. 2 liter):

3 medium beets

10 – 15 apples

Methods/steps –

1. Cut the apples and beets into smaller pieces.

2. Juice apples and beets.

3. Serve and enjoy the delicious fruits of mother nature!


If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a blender as well. Blend apples and beets well. If needed, add some water. Line the strainer with either an opened nut bag or cheese cloth, and place over a bowl. Pour the blended mixture into the strainer. Press out all the juice from the pulp. Squeeze and press with clean hands to extract as much juice as possible.

4 thoughts on “Detox juice recipe: Apple Beet Juice

  1. Yes Missy. I like juiceing too. just kind of expensive this time of year.

    What I like to do is drive out in the country and find a old wild apple tree and get the apples that way. Love the wild black berries and rasberries too.

    Carrot juice is awsome too.

    yes a clean liver actually does make ya fee clean inside and out too. There fore giving ya more energy and stamina. Nothing like it I must say 🙂

    Yea, Some of us big ugly guys actually do like juiceing too Missy 😆
    Good article. People really should pay attention to articles like this one 🙂

    1. I agree digger, we were juicing everyday, but it gets expensive! We are finally seeing that we will be able to move out to our property in the country, we got really good news yesterday, so hopefully next year we will be moving and I will plant hundreds of fruit trees. I have always wanted a fruit orchard, and now it finally looks like it will be happening!! 🙂 I just wish we could move now, but next year is better than nothing! I want out of the city so bad!! I hate being around this many people, they drive me insane!! Oh and now I will be able to get about 100 chickens also, instead of two, which is all I can fit on my city lot!!!! Finally some good news in the sea of bad news everyday!!

      1. Good for you Missy and Bulldog 🙂 I am very glad for ya.
        Ya know around here in Wi. I checked it out about 10 years ago and ya can have up to 999 or it is 1000 chickens before ya got to hav esome damned licences to be able to sell the eggs and the meat.
        I wanted to do that for some extra income but like the other thing – it take a lot of work – more than I was capable of ya know. Old tape and won`t get into details ya know Missy & Bulldog.
        Yea I love it out in the country but it is nice with the convience of a store just around the corner, but absolutley nothing compares to the privacy and the self sufficiency of the country ya know. 🙂 😆
        I know you and Bulldog will really do good out in the country 🙂

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