7 thoughts on “DHS Insider: It’s about to get very ugly!

  1. It should!!! Stop messing with the working people. You want them to be slaves. NO! We want to work for a living and enjoy our life with family and friends. This is not a prison planet. This is our freakin country. They want everyone who wants to work for a living to live in a box. We cannot let that happen. They are up there in those board rooms in those high rise buildings trying to figure out a way to destroy anyone who wants to work in this country. Our politicians have let this stuff get way out of hand. But they got their money so apparently they don’t care.

  2. Lock and Load! Always have your five man squads ready to flank and destroy. Lets get it on and get this shit over with. Multiple squads can take out 10 to 18 at a time with the correct firing procedures. These people are nothing more than punk ass flesh and blood, scared to death.

  3. Beck is a traitor, He won’t touch 9/11 with a 10 foot pole because Israel was involved. People like his and Assange are plants. 9/11 is the only litmus test you need.

    1. yes, Beck is a traitor, and this should be obvious to all of us by now, but there is still a significant number of people who don’t have the option of finding truth on the internet, and we need to keep reaching them individually.

  4. This is base fear mongering, and now that I know who Glen Beck is, I can say without reservation that he’s working for the enemy, and that this little video is a desperate attempt to silence dissent with ridiculous fear tactics.

    What we have here is another idiot who insists that our government, or whomever, can simply round up tens of millions of people and silence them. It’s impossible, but he is right about one thing: They’re very scared, and they’re backed into a corner. Keep ’em there by refusing to be silent.

    You have an unalienable right to express your opinions and thoughts, and if they can scare you away from doing that, you’ll have handed them a victory they never could never have earned. DON’T BE SILENT. Be anything BUT silent.

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