Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments statue smashed

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: How can someone hate God so much? If they do not believe in Him, why do they get so angry at someone they do not believe exists? This image is a great example of the state our nation is in. As a nation we have broken God’s commandments. As a nation we have broken His law and installed our own making His Word void. As individuals we can still lead our own households by God’s Word and we should be doing that, using His Word to set our standard though the world wallows in confusion.

(Source: MSN) Authorities say someone drove across the Oklahoma Capitol lawn and knocked over a Ten Commandments monument that a group has been suing to have removed, smashing it to pieces.  

Oklahoma Highway Patrol Capt. George Brown says the person drove into the monument on the statehouse steps Thursday night, abandoned the vehicle and fled. Brown says the vehicle was impounded and authorities are searching it for evidence.

The 6-foot-tall granite monument was erected in 2012 after Republican state Rep. Mike Ritze and his family paid nearly $10,000 for it. The American Civil Liberties Union had been suing to have the monument removed, arguing it violates the Oklahoma Constitution. – Read More – MSN


6 thoughts on “Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments statue smashed

  1. So if that was a Militiaman or a Patriot Author it would have been that “horrible act of TERRORISM” right? Looks like the demon “whore-shippers” are twisting and turning and trying to remove their pain in the gubermint temple they claim. Buy more ammo. Liberty1775

    1. Hi Mark,

      Hahahaha,.. we were writing basically the same thing at the same time,.. but you hit your post button before I did!

      Yes,…. it is time to say it plainly and openly – Christians, and the Christian faith is under open attack,.. and we are now in a state of “Clear And Present Danger” to the moral rightousness and Christian values that made this country great!!!

      We are being attacked by the fake religions of Judaism and Isalm – both cults of hate, perversion, corruption, rape, murder and theft, BECAUSE when viewed side-by-side with a real religion of love, tolerance, care, and genorisity,…. their debauchment of human abberation as a religious basis becomes abundantly clear,… hence the need to destroy that which exposes them.

      JD – US Marines – Spread the word to ALL Christians – the time to defend our selves and our religion and the principles this country was created upon,…. is here,… in full force.


  2. My Fellow Americans:

    So,.. why are the Feds not all over this as a, “Hate Crime”???

    Answer: Because the Feds are hard-core commies,… and it is their job to destroy Christianity in this country!


    Christendom is under direct attack, between these slime-bag Zionist-Jews, which is not a religion,.. but a cult of pyschopaths, liars, theives, cheats and perverts,.. and this fake religion called Islam,.. which is nothing more than a cult of violence,…. they both NEED to destroy Christendom as the glaring difference between a real religion,.. which is the celebration of the sacrifice made by the Son Of God to absolve orginal sin,… and these cults,.. which in the end, seek to control and steal,…. becomes all to obvious when compared sided by side,.. hence the need to get rid of the one which shows Judeaism & Islam for the shams they are.

    JD – US Marines – I care not what religion someone is,.. but I do care when they are attacking me, my family, my faith,… and using the fanatical beliefs of their cult as a facade of “religion” by which to claim immunity for their wanton acts of desperation, theft, corruption, violence, rape, murder, and hate.


  3. God’s way of telling us that we have become the same as Sodom and Gomorrah.

    In any case, what do you expect from the Oklahoma City Satan worshippers. The bastards want to hand out their Satanic propaganda, conduct their Satanic rituals and put up Satanic statues all over the state, for cryin’ out loud. It’s amazing that the wrath of God hasn’t struck upon that state already. Trying to destroy people on Earth with acts of terrorism, inhumanity, treason and illegality is one thing. Trying to destroy God is a whole different playing field altogether. Now they are just inviting Hell on Earth.

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