Does Obama Fear for his Legacy or his Neck?

Obama, in a surprising, or maybe not so surprising development, has backed away from his absolutism in his posing as a dictator, saying he will now seek congressional approval for the proposed illegal attack on Syria.  Of course the mainstream propagandists are putting forth the notion that the reason Obama backed off was because of a few “good guys” in the US House and Senate and concern for his legacy.

Obama backed off because the American people once again got right up in his face and let him know that we, as the only true power in this sovereign country, do not give him the authority to act unilaterally as the dictator he would like to be.   

As for the House and Senate members who challenged Obama’s assertions of total power, once again we have seen the loyal opposition attempting to latch onto the people’s power and claim it as their own.

This madness has been stifled to this point not because of any threats of defunding or impeachment, but rather because the traitors within the insurgency have had to come to terms with the real possibility of trials and public executions for the sedition they are now committing on a daily basis.

If the armed population of the United States says “No”, it does mean no.  They thought they would cram gun control down our throats.  We said “No” and shoved their agenda back in their faces.  They thought they were going to shove their southern invasion into our country down our throats.  We have said “No” and now their fraudulent so called immigration reform lies in limbo.

But make no mistake, these are hard boiled Bolsheviks and they will seek new avenues of deception to get their agenda back on track.  I’m sure Netanyahu is busy at this moment brainstorming with his 5th column inside the beltway and developing new plans for an even bigger false flag that must be carried out as soon as possible, as the time for misdirection away from the imminent economic collapse is quickly coming to an end.

As for the assertion that the traitors in the House and Senate are going to save us, show me where either body has stood up in force to defy the Israeli’s dictate of our foreign policy.

There is zero, zip, zilch, nada, not one US security interest to be served by this illegal and immoral invasion into Syria.  The fact is the funding for the Al Qaeda mercenaries, the US and Israel have hired to destabilize and overthrow the Assad government, is money that has been spent to harm the American people, as our gas prices soar and more people around the world want to blow us up for our tyrannical military support of the Zionist led international corporate mafia that is making everyone’s life a living hell in their quest of global domination for Zion.

Make no mistake, this international socialist insurgency occupying our highest seats of power hates we American nationals as they continue to fail to disarm us and put us on our knees.  This situation between we the people and this illegitimate government will continue to deteriorate until the insurgents cut and run or force us to slaughter them.

One thing for sure, we US nationals, like the British nationals, have at last begun to assert our will and in doing so, we disassociate ourselves from the warmongers of Zion.

Those posing as the US government are more hated around the world now than they have ever been, as the peoples around the world make it clear to one another that we will no longer be pitted to the death, one against the other for the conquest and enslavement of us all by a handful of psychopaths.  We would live and let live and respect one another’s sovereignty and way of life.

It has never really been the peoples of the world knowingly causing the destruction.  Thanks to the internet the mass ignorance is waning, which makes the situation more dangerous than ever.  What will this diabolical international cabal of evil do next in their attempt to get the peoples of the world to kill one another for them?  Our enemies have zero credibility and any and everything that happens from this point forward must be rejected as suspect.

Do not be surprised to see a wide shutdown of the internet as a part of the next false flag.  The ability of the people around the world to communicate with one another has become a situation that the Zionist conquest cannot endure.  So again, if we lose communication, assume everything getting through by way of any mainstream media is not but pure propaganda.

Refuse and reject it out of hand and let our enemies know that we do not recognize these communist infiltrators as in any way legitimate.  We the people are the power and that message of absolute truth is becoming more absolute with each passing day.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

20 thoughts on “Does Obama Fear for his Legacy or his Neck?

  1. I like this piece Henry.
    We’ll all insist that all other similar sites that are sites putting out a positive message both of the legitimacy and strength of “we the people” hit this time in our history….with a very resounding…….YA HOO…….We Will Prevail………
    Could very well be a partial shut down of the internet will happen….to bring fear to free people (in thought)….none of us is truely free….some more so free than others….To my thinking…..the internet can’t be turned off for long.
    They shoot themselves in the foot by doing so….It has become essential for their pockets to remain on the increase…… am not too concerned about the internet going down for long…

  2. Methinks thou dost give too much credit to “The One” Obamao in thinking that he cares even one whit what we the people think. More likely, he was concerned how he would be able to face Putin in their upcoming meetings.

  3. Between now and September 9, Israel and her back-stabbing Neocon allies will be spreading money all over the Congress, trying to bribe an already corrupted process.
    When money doesn’t work, blackmail and extortion will be used.

    And like the author indicated, the always reliable Israeli False Flag, set off on 9.11.13, and blamed on Syria, is ready to be used.

    1. And Bashar al-Assad’s birthday is on Sept. 11th. Will they send him a present that goes BANG??!! The Powers That “think” They Be like using that date for some reason-so something to watch for.

    2. “When money doesn’t work, blackmail and extortion will be used.”

      And there you have it, one of the two real primary purposes for the NSA spying on everything. The other, of course, is its function as the world’s most effective insider trading system. That’s why Booz Allen Hamilton (one of the largest NSA contractors, who Snowden worked for) is 100% owned by Daddy Bush’s Carlyle Group.

  4. The NSA is pulling all of their dossiers out on all of Congress right now. Just reminding them about the skeletons in the closet, that up until now have been a secret from the public. If the cabal really wants war, or anything else for that matter, they just pull out the files. And remember that this also distracts from all of the scandals that are playing against Miss Barry the sodomite.

    The window for preps is shutting fast!

  5. To graphically see how this public awareness of the Big Lie is reaching a global historic crescendo, watch this animated 1:42 video showing protest around the world 1979 to present: This is what Zbignew Brzezinski is talking about when he speaks of a “global awakening” making it difficult to pursue NWO policies.

    See this German report for a look at who is fighting with the Syrian “rebels”. Note what the American fighting with them says about us. Want to support him? Didn’t think so.

    And finally, if you think al-Assad is a foaming-at-the-mouth mad dictator, you might want to read this long and thoughtful interview with him Granted, there is lots of room for politicians to say one thing and mean or do another, but Assad’s apparent concern for his country puts our American leaders to shame in their concern for another shitty little country instead of our own national interests.

    1. I’d say from the video visualizing protests on the planet, now is the time for patriots to take back our republic from bankster- and Israeli-controlled government officials and agencies.

      From the video link to the German report, it is once again NATO, including Germany, supporting the assaults and atrocities committed by foreign-to-Syria mercenary “jihadists” via traitor-to-the-planet Erdogan through his Turkish border.

      And the defining quote from voltairnet:

      “Izvestia: The Syrian government claims a strong link between Israel and the terrorists. How can you explain this? It is commonly perceived that the extremist Islamists loathe Israel and become hysterical upon hearing its name.

      “Bashar al-Assad: If this was the case, why is it then that when we strike the terrorists at the frontier, Israel strikes at our forces to alleviate the pressure off of them? Why, when we blockade them into an area does Israel let them through their barricades so they can come round and re-attack from another direction? Why has Israel carried out direct strikes against the Syrian Army on more than one occasion in recent months? So clearly this perception is inaccurate. It is Israel who has publically declared its cooperation with these terrorists and treated them in Israeli hospitals.”

      Good links, Tom. And as usual, excellent article, Henry.

      I think it’s time to say to our military of all ranks: You are either for the restoration of our republic and peace on our planet, or you are enemies of this republic and all humanity. The time to choose your side is now.

  6. Meanwhile in Hungary…

    Note: beforitsnews says bankers and imf while avoiding saying anything about the khazar ‘jews’.

    Hungary’s example….They are supposedly going to issue debt free currency.

    Supposedly they’re also going to arrest the last three prime ministers.

    Hungary Tells Banksters To Get The F*&%^ Out Of Their Country And Take The IMF With You (Videos)


  7. “What will this diabolical international cabal of evil do next in their attempt to get the peoples of the world to kill one another for them?”

    There are two false flag possibilities that greatly concern me:

    # 1: That they pull a JFK on Obummer, which would put that rabid so-called ‘jew’ lover Biden on the dictator’s throne.

    # 2: L.A. getting nuked.

    Spot on as always, Henry.

  8. Love this, Henry…Love it! And I have a good feeling that when the time comes you will walk the walk as well (as will I…I’ve studied psychopathy most of my life and have no fear of these criminals or their minions). I was bullied as a child and even teenager, but I have overcome it…what went around has come around…those who have messed with me have lived to regret it.

    1. And by “live to regret it” I don’t mean that I harmed them! I mean the karmic/do-unto-others meme has come back to bite them in the butt.

  9. THEY: Obama and his people are the scourge of the Earth. They BELIEVE that the Constitution and The Bill of Rights are merely “Quaint Documents” that no longer apply to the America They want to create. They no longer even refer to it as “America” … They call it the “Homeland” and Their enforcers are the Department of “Homeland” Security … As if we are JUST another nation like Germany with it’s “Fatherland” or Russia with it’s “Motherland”… a simple psychological ploy to render our image of ourselves as something less than we are.

    THEY: This Military-Industrial-Political Cabal has a Lethal agenda that goes far deeper than DHS and it is undeniable that the foundation for what Obama is now doing WAS in fact laid in the four years prior to his so-called election. They did, in fact, rig the elections in order to place their “mouthpiece” in the office of the Presidency. From a very young age, They have inspired, groomed and directed him, going before him with great power and influence, sweeping aside his rivals, destroying his enemies and clearing his path, first to the Senate and then to the Presidency.

    Something wicked is coming on the wind and it feels a lot like civil war. In what is perhaps NOT the most egregious instance, Obama has just signed a veritable battery of new proclamations from the Oval Office, designed to circumvent the recent congressional defeat of his Gun Control agenda. You Need To Read about it here:……

    It is now widely understood that DHS has, indeed, been placing billion dollar orders with every North American ammunition manufacturer and blocking foreign ammunition imports in a concerted effort to actually cut off the ammunition supply to all American gun owners… No Conspiracy Theory here…It’s a cut-your-nards-off Fact. We are witnessing the final stages of an attempted coup.

    Not so widely reported is the collateral fact that They are also ordering up all the spare parts for virtually every weapon capable of being used effectively on the battlefield.

    You can ORDER anything you want, but just try to Actually GET anything in the way of critical spare parts for any weapon you own and you will find that resistance is futile. They aren’t “just” watching us but are preparing for War and They are attempting to disarm the intended enemy … ALL OF US.

    This isn’t the kind of thing that one attempts unless there is a damned good reason for it, if only because, even with more money than God, that kind of effort can’t really be sustained for much more than a year… less than that if they get caught at it. On this, the IRS, DOJ, FBI, EPA and all the other so called “scandals”…They are in the process of “getting caught”. They have Something in mind.

    IT’S SOMETHING THEY INTEND TO DO NOW (they have already gutted the Constitution with the Patriot Act and the NDAA) … something long ago planned (they’ve already taken the schools) … and something that is Now Imminent.
    SOMETHING, in repayment for which, they expect us to rise up and slay them.

    The truth is that we have Tyranny in the White House, fascist subversives in congress, arrogant traitors and pathological sycophants in DHS, IRS, EPA and all of the other alphabet agencies. The camps, whether you choose to see them or not, are already in place and the NSA’s Fusion Centers feed them intelligence about YOU. Blackwater’s shadow Op’s are alive and well and ON OUR STREETS … You can actually SEE them in the Boston Bombing footage and you really MUST learn to believe your own eyes.

    They are not different in any respect than the Gestapo as it existed in 1933. The only substantive difference is that this time they have technology and not only the Jews, but we and our way of life are the specific targets.
    In the end, these people will kill millions of us and Make No Mistake; We are at War … and either We will win or They will win. There is NO grey area and NO compromise.

    As the “Progressive” mouthpiece in the White House denigrates, and pillages our Nation, They are actively preparing for War and what we are witnessing in all of the so-called scandals are actually a series of “trial balloons” intended to define what They can and cannot get away with outside the envelope of Covert Operations.

    These are not stupid people and they would like to set precedents that cede to them by fiat, the absolute power to circumvent the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as and when they see fit.

    Like poking a Tiger with a stick, they are attempting to provoke the so-called “Tea Party”, the true nature of which they misrepresent, into armed revolt. This is their immediate intent and now, unfortunately they will not be denied … It’s gone much too far and Truth would have it that Civil War is now an inevitable consequence of a rogue government that will not succumb to restraint in any other way. It has become only a question of time and the proper triggering event. That triggering event will almost certainly take place when THEY assassinate the President of The United States. My assessment is that he has but a short time left.

    Just about every one of us over 50 is a veteran and grew up in America more or less “as it was intended to be”.

    “WE” … This select group of OLD PEOPLE, together with their immediate families, CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE TEA PARTY … which has no other natural members.

    The Tea Party has no structure and no one speaks for it. It is an irresistible, natural force for good, (the remnant of what we once were) an armed force that will only appear when the need is greatest.

    “WE” … old beyond years, scarred from being shot, bayoneted, burnt and blown up in service to the finest nation ever to grace the face of the Earth, still constitute the greatest armed force in opposition to tyranny that has ever existed.

    Obama and those who control him KNOW this to be true … and it terrifies them.

    “WE” … EACH KNOW what it is to actually “BE AN AMERICAN”… “Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverend” … you know; “Truth, Justice and the American Way”… more compassionate and principled than anyone else on the planet.

    “WE” … HAVE EACH SWORN AN OATH to protect and defend the Nation and the Constitution from ALL enemies foreign and domestic and we are the only ones with the knowledge, training and experience to do so.

    “WE” … Remember the Truth of it because WE STILL LIVE IN IT and IT STILL LIVES IN US.

    Unfortunately, that cannot be said for younger people, nor for our current crop of politicians, NOT ONE OF WHOM EVER LIVED in an America free of socialism, revisionist history and institutionalized government sedition.

    Even if, by some miracle, we manage to impeach the creature in the White House, we will still need to hunt down and deal with the other creatures in high places and foreign countries who structured and set the patriot act and the NDAA in place, along with all of those who prepared HIS path and shoe-horned his butt into the White House.

    Only through public trials and the subsequent imposition of unthinkable consequences can we assure that this THING never, ever happens again.

    Now that the scourge is within and upon us, you can be sure that when They come, AND THEY WILL COME, they will attempt to remove us first.

    Since 1776, the price for our nation’s welfare has been paid in blood and death and anguish and every single man fallen in war expects us to honor the oath we took when “We” were too young to understand what it really meant … whatever the cost.

    War, although necessary at times, is a truly terrible endeavor (you really can’t imagine it) and so, although we will not start it, like the man said; “we will, in our righteous might” sure as Hell finish it .

  10. There is a poll over at Get over there and let your voice be heard

    ((( DRUDGE POLL )))
    9/2/13 19:30 PM ET

    VoteView Results

    Thank you for voting!

    YES 8.09% (3,441 votes)

    NO 91.91% (39,075 votes)

    Total Votes: 42,516

  11. “Do not be surprised to see a wide shutdown of the internet as a part of the next false flag.”

    You mean like the one that DHS is planning on doing in November or December of this year by doing a military exercise in shutting down the power grid throughout most of the country in order to test and find out how the military and the people will handle such a scenario in the event that it REALLY happens?

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