Domestic Terror Landscape Is a ‘Much More Individualized Threat,’ Says DHS CT Coordinator

Homeland Security Today – by Ricardo Vazquez Garcia

The Biden administration’s new domestic terrorism strategy creates a roadmap for state and local governments, the private sector, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations and foreign partners to collaborate in battling an escalating problem, said DHS counterterrorism chief John Cohen while discussing the new plan.

Cohen, who serves as the Department of Homeland Security’s coordinator for counterterrorism and assistant secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention, discussed the new strategy in a GW Program on Extremism webinar on June 16, just after the Biden administration released its four-pillar plan on countering domestic terrorism.

“A lot of progress was made by the U.S. government in dealing with the threat posed by foreign terrorist organizations and in particular dealing with the way those organizations operated, the way they recruited individuals, the way they communicated, the way they developed plans, the way they saw to introduce operatives into the domestic environment, the way they sought to recruit people here domestically,” Cohen said. “I think it is safe to say that the U.S. created quite a robust counterterrorism capability. The challenge is the threat we face today is significantly different than the one we faced after Sept. 11.”

According to Cohen, the FBI and DHS have stated that “the most significant terrorist threat facing the U.S. today comes from individuals or lone offenders, and small groups of individuals who based on an ideological belief system, primarily an ideological belief system they self-connect with online activity, but they’ll go out and commit an act of violence on behalf of that belief or a combination of ideological beliefs, or a combination of ideological beliefs and personal grievances.”

“In many respects, this is a much more individualized threat, and what I mean by that is if you look at the lethal attacks that have occurred in the U.S. over the last several years, they have been conducted by individuals who spend incredible amounts of time online viewing extremist content, content about past violent attacks, they tend to be individuals who have shared behavioral health or environmental characteristics,” Cohen said.

Cohen then used the phrase “it’s not the ideology, it’s the psychology” to sum up the extremist threat.

“What we mean by that, yes, the motive and ideological beliefs are important as part of the analytic process, but the threat tends to come from individuals who have a very superficial understanding of the ideological belief system they use as the validation for an act of violence, but they do have shared behavioral characteristics,” Cohen said. “They tend to be people who are searching for a sense of social connection. They’re very angry, they feel that they have been treated unfairly in life. They’re looking for something that provides them a sense of self-worth and they tend to derive that sense of social connection, in a sense of self-worth, by self-connecting with an ideological belief.”

Some elements that factor into today’s threat include the increased number of individuals who are angry and use their anger as an excuse to commit an act of violence, coupled with the intertwined nature of digital and physical worlds, Cohen said.

“So much of this threat is based on content that’s being disseminated online, it’s based on people who are communicating with each other online, it’s people who are intending on committing an attack, or articulating their intent to commit an act of violence through their online behavior,” Cohen said. “So as we think of ways to mitigate the threat, we have to understand more about those narratives that are more likely to incite violence, those narratives that will spread beyond private or closed platforms to more public platforms.”

“We have to better understand and incorporate into our prevention and our investigative strategies the leakage that occurs when an individual who’s preparing to commit an act of violence uses a social media platform, or some other online communications tool, to express and articulate that desire or that movement toward violence,” Cohen said.

Cohen then discussed the issue of free speech that can hamper officials when mitigating activities such as online forums that could become a threat.

“At the department, and across the law enforcement community, it is not our job to police thought or police speech. It is our job to prevent acts of violence,” Cohen said. “A core part of our prevention strategy has to include being able to distinguish free speech and activities that occur online, or in the physical space, that are associated with the threat of violence.”

There have been several cases where individuals have not met the threshold for domestic terror yet they eventually go out and commit an act of violence, Cohen explained.

“We have to figure out ways to build across the country community-based prevention capabilities that better enable local communities to identify high-risk individuals, people who pose the risk of committing an act of violence, and figuring out strategies, whether they be law enforcement, mental health, education, social service or some type of other threat management approach that reduces the risk of violence,” Cohen said. “We’re looking to expand our ability to analyze and understand online activity.”

“We not only want to better understand the narratives that are most effective at inciting violent behavior but we want to be able to better and more quickly identify those narratives that are spreading across platforms because that may give us insight into the type of targets that may be at risk and that may help inform types of actions we can take to reduce the risk to those targets,” Cohen said.

Cohen explained that communication at the community level will be needed to address this threat, even at a time when society has a lot of mistrust government or law enforcement.

“We have to build greater trust with communities across the country,” he said. “It’s not lost on me that at the same time we’re dealing with this dynamic, volatile or highly complex threat environment, we’re doing so at a time where a significant portion of our society simply does not trust government and does not trust law enforcement.”

Homeland Security Today

6 thoughts on “Domestic Terror Landscape Is a ‘Much More Individualized Threat,’ Says DHS CT Coordinator

  1. The only truth I found in the above article was at the very end of an untruthful statement: “a significant portion of our society simply does not trust government and does not trust law enforcement.”

  2. If you read this article you are probably a terrorist because the subject would not interest a non terrorists.

    1. What Cohen (oy) knows is that the people simply do not trust the corporation or their mercenary thugs they call police. The so called terror he fears the worst is the people’s enforcement of the people’s superior law and jurisdictional authority, spelled out in absolute unalienable terms in the ratified law of December 15, 1791, which the true terrorists, the international corporate mafia, knows that they are in gross violation of to the extent of sedition and treason.
      This is no f-king theory. It is an absolute fact.
      Typical kike bullshit. Stop resisting. Stop resisting.
      F-k you, Cohen, you and your corporate ilk should be decimated and you will be decimated lawfully by the superior authority in this land. We the people, the individual free sovereign nationals for the united states for the Americas, know you for exactly what you are. So bring it on.

  3. This about Portland, OR., or Washington DC., right? No?
    Well, damn. I could have sworn he was referring to Antifa, the Democratic party and/or communism. Never could trust them folks. Those places are ripe with them stoolies.
    Figures I was wrong. Or was I?

    If I was, then I guess they be talking about that other group of folks out there that they all hate on the TV and radio. You all know – folks that mind they own biz, believe in rights, respecting other folks privacy, and don’t take crap off nobody.

    No matter. Ain’t got no time for them stoolies.
    Just got to get some more supplies in and keep on stackin’.
    I suggest you all do the same.

    Time is getting short.

    1. You forgot about the Republicans, the other shit that comes out that same asshole, right along with their leader, Donald the international communist Trump.
      We are going to have to get rid of every goddamn one of them and reinstate our autonomy through our ratified law of December 15, 1791.
      No f-king ruling class. No individuals ruled. Just the law and an end to the international corporate mafia,

  4. “Cohen”, you hardly need to say more…!

    Frm Article:
    “According to Cohen, the FBI and DHS have stated that “the most significant terrorist threat facing the U.S. today comes from individuals or lone offenders, and small groups of individuals who based on an ideological belief system, primarily an ideological belief system they self-connect with online activity, but they’ll go out and commit an act of violence on behalf of that belief or a combination of ideological beliefs, or a combination of ideological beliefs and personal grievances.”

    It is because this is all planned out and they Know exactly what is going to happen, so they are attempting to manufacture a perception that any Resistance to Tyranny is a Boogey man terrorist, nothing new from the Feds and their international crime family!

    That said, yes, clearly it is an “Individual” Lone wolf type scenario that Must develop;

    AS… Their controlled Tory militias are not a threat, obviously……………! They know that a large majority of “Individuals” are fkn over it and are about to tear them all a fkn new one…. They are counting on “Their” Tory militias to come in and Usurp that individual uprising “Sacrifice” so they can maintain control of and in the Status quo….!

    That is all i can interpret from them at this point, Keornke…All.

    Removing the true American Nationals from the equation…

    Hey Mark Koernke????? Any rebuttals on this mthrfkr….you can comment on this site can’t you? Would love to hear a rebuttal to my allegations of you and your “Militias” true intentions……You sure as hell ain’t ever gonna do a fkn thing that really means anything, but we know you all sure got the logistics all set to usurp our sacrifices…

    All you ever had to do is to take a point, make a stand and a call to arms……..but that would have to be against the Corporate Criminal Government in existence now and would require actual risk on your part…… seems you have it all figured out on how you boys are gonna restore the Government as to how it is supposed to be….after ‘This thing gets started” right….Only….Ain’t nobody starting it now, are they?

    Must really piss you off we ain’t started it yet for you….! Damn those Lone wolves, why ain’t they dying for us yet?

    Heard that scumbag Alex Jones giving you props yesterday… Hmmmmmm…

    Remember, this whole fkn country is one big fkn Waco at this point……..and as usual the Organised militias are making lots of talk and bravado…………….. Somehow, I don’t think the PTB are heading to you fkrs doorways, they are heading to the “Individuals” doorways soon though…

    Then again that’s what you are counting on………………….isn’t it? Well, as I’ve said before, the glory goes to those who earn it. When this shit does get started it will be the “Individuals” who start it, I have No Doubt……and you maggot Tories better never show your faces around those that survive, who did start it……! No different than a carpetbagger.

    We know who are enemies are and sitting idly by when you should be leading by example is just as criminal when you have the power to truly challenge the criminality and tyranny.

    This starts and ends in only One way, with bullets flying in every direction against the enemies of freedom, liberty, sovereignty and the peoples sacred laws of our lands, the bill of rights. At least we know you guys are just waiting…… Good, keep doing that…! we the people are watching all our enemies.

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