Donald Trump Flip Flops on Climate Change…Surprised? NOT

Published on Nov 22, 2016 by Peekay Truth

It’s only 2 weeks since Donald Trump was made President SELECT. And already he has flip flopped on an issue he was very strong against. That issue being Climate Change where he continually told us he believed it was a HOAX and he would dismantle the EPA in every form.
This is just the beginning of his flip flops. The guy is a Stooge for the Establishment. Don’t even think he may be genuine.…

5 thoughts on “Donald Trump Flip Flops on Climate Change…Surprised? NOT

  1. It has to be clear to anyone looking at his cabinet picks so far that Trump is no more anti-establishment than the Hildebeast. Nicki Haly? Mittens Romney? Rudy Guliani? Newt Gingrich? John Bolton? His list is chock FULL of neo – cons!

    The only good thing that may come from him is “supreme court” nominations.

  2. “And already he has flip flopped on an issue he was very strong against.”

    Breaking ‘campaign promises’ is a ‘tradition’ to be expected.

    The rest will go in short order.

    I strongly suspect Chump’s not gonna save us. 🙄

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