Donald Trump’s promises

Crooks and Liars

Throughout the campaign Donald Trump made a number of promises which resulted in cheers from his supporters. Now that he has taken reign as our 45th President, we will track just how far these promises actually go. In no way do we want to see many of these promises come to being. Instead, as our name states, we are committed to bringing light to the many promises Donald Trump told on the campaign trail. This new, special feature of Crooks and Liars will do that bigly.  

Draining The Swamp

Promise: Pending

Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump rallied against corruption in DC and between DC and Wall Street. Later in the campaign he vowed to “drain the swamp” of this corruption.

Lock Her Up

Promise: Pending

Donald Trump promised once elected President he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and indict Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State.


Promise: Pending

Declaring it the “worst trade deal ever”, Donald Trump vowed to either renegotiate or leave the North American Free Trade Agreement

Repeal Obamacare

Promise: Pending

To the cheers of his followers, Donald Trump continually promised he would “repeal and replace” Obamacare with something “great”.

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