7 thoughts on “Edward Snowden is a CIA Agent

    1. The Stratfor e-mails did a pretty fair job of that, Katie. 😉

      That happened not long after I came to FTT.

  1. Well DUUUUUUH! All it took was that ‘interview’ where Mr Exposure supported the Official Nonsense ‘conspiracy theory’ of 9/11 to know he was a Limited Hangout op’, ‘exposing’ that ‘they knew in advance’

    hahahahhahahaha. Can’t believe people fell for this crock.

    Well….it IS America.

  2. Well of course! But the thing is that this had all better be the truth and nothing but the truth. And not “it sounds like the truth but turns out to be psy-op crapola” (such as Sorcha Faal, William Mount, Christopher Story, etc.)

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