Egypt’s Nightmare: Dr. Says Over 2000 Dead, Over 10,000 Wounded

Before It’s News – by Monica Davis

The civil war in Egypt has reached biblical proportions. As the west twiddles its thumbs and media outlets minimize casualty numbers, a medical authority says there are over 10,000 wounded and thousands killed.

According to Dr. Yahia Makkia the coordinator for Rabaa al-Adawiya field hospital; the casualties have reached over 2000 civilians dead and over 10000 wounded. MOREHERE  

Conflicting reports of casualties in Egypt. The doctors who run the field hospitals are dealing directly with casualties. Hence, they would have a better handle on how many dead there are, because they are the ones treating them.

We therefore must look at casualty figures suspiciously, because each side has its own reasons for inflating or deflating casualty numbers

Dr Makkia estimates 2000 civilian deaths, with 10000 wounded. Other estimates are lower, much lower.

After 8 hours of mass killing, an Egyptian Twitter source says:

Gehad El-Haddad @gelhaddad: 8 hrs of mass killings & not single sane person in Egypt or in world 2 stop this !! Over 2000 killed & over 10,000 injured & world watches SOURCE

As long as they can minimize the casualty numbers, media talking heads and the international community can pretend that it is not that bad.

So, we’d rather hear about the “hundreds” killed and the “thousands” killed.

2 thoughts on “Egypt’s Nightmare: Dr. Says Over 2000 Dead, Over 10,000 Wounded

  1. I’m always inclined to at least double, triple, or even quadruple whatever bogus numbers the MSM is putting out. It’s usually much closer to the truth.

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