Enterovirus D-68 – Respiratory Virus Spreading Across The U.S. Midwest

Published on Sep 6, 2014 by Charles Walton

Enterovirus D-68 – Respiratory Virus Spreading Across The U.S. Midwest A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals In Kansas City alone about 450 children were recently treated at Children’s Mercy Hospital and at least 60 of them received intensive hospitalization Symptoms include fever body and muscles aches sneezing,coughing and rash

Clusters of Acute Respiratory Illness Associated with Human Enterovirus 68 Asia, Europe, and United States, 2008 to 2010

California health officials have documented 20 to 25 recent cases of paralysis in kids that they believe are linked to a polio-like virus—but not caused by polio itself. While that sounds pretty frightening, paralysis caused by infectious diseases is quite rare.

Some, but not all, of the children tested positive for enterovirus-68, a respiratory virus that, in rare cases, has been associated with polio-like limb paralysis and breathing problems. The California children were all vaccinated against polio, but not against enterovirus-68 which has no vaccine

5 thoughts on “Enterovirus D-68 – Respiratory Virus Spreading Across The U.S. Midwest

  1. The fact that only vaccinated children are affected by the Enterovirus D-68, would lead you to conclude that this virus is “CAUSED” by the vaccinations.

    I wonder how many Mid-West Amish children have contracted this virus?

    1. If this was a virus brought over the border, then it would be wide-spread over the entire USA (or where ever the Latinos were relocated).

      The heavy metals from the chemtrails will certainly lower your immunity to viral infections; however, I believe it is the manditory MMR vaccinations our children are receiving. Otherwise, you would also see adults with the same viral respiratory conditions.

      It’s the same scenario we saw in California, when vaccinated children contracted whooping cough. I seem to remember hearing the bulls#@t excuse that vaccinated children can contract a virus from non-vaccinated children… which supports the contention that vaccinations don’t prevent anything, and more than likely will cause the affliction they claim vaccinations prevent. Just ask the children in India who contracted Polio from Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine.

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