Eric Holder’s Legacy: the Divine Right of Criminals

Published on Nov 6, 2014 by InvestmentResearchDynamics

The abject failure of the nation’s top law enforcer to enforce the law against bankers of any significance in the wake of a $10,000 billion crisis is notorious. Less well-known are (1) the astounding lengths to which Eric Holder’s DOJ has gone to protect criminal banks, which just so happen to be clients of his law firm, (2) the degree to which the rule of law has been subverted (it’s been destroyed; we have been living under the rule of man, officially, for some time), and (3) the broader implications of Holder’s reign on U.S. national sovereignty (grave).

This video series explores all three topics and more.

Frontline’s Untouchables demonstrates the power of real journalism in bringing even the elite to heel, in this case literally overnight. The show is a masterpiece in narrative structure and is shot beautifully as well. At 54 minutes, it’s well worth the time:…

Martin Smith, who wrote and produced the Untouchables, received the 2014 John Chancellor Award for Excellence from Columbia’s journalism school. While putatively for his work on the Retirement Gamble a year later, the award has the appearance of a veiled accolade for the more powerful Untouchables. (It’s not unlike, say, Dennis Hopper’s 1986 Oscar nomination for Hoosiers instead of for his more controversial role in Blue Velvet the same year.)

Part two now reveals who these experts are: they’re bank CEOs and lawyers who, again by the DOJ’s own admission, have visited Justice Department conference rooms time and again to assert their sovereign privilege of criminal immunity.

Part two also explains the astounding lengths to which the DOJ has gone to conceal this fact from Congress, which launched two separate investigations into the experts’ identities in response to Frontline’s Untouchables in January 2013.

Sadly, these investigations by Congress failed to cope with the truth in front of its own eyes exactly like Congress fails at everything else: miserably, incompetently, corruptly.

This video attempts to fill the meteoric holes left in the record by a federal kleptocracy that is skating toward the border of treason, to wit…

The DOJ’s campaign to conceal the truth about its experts includes the fabrication of experts who don’t exist, the fabrication of documents that don’t exist, blatant lies to Congress, and it now extends to the use of federal court dockets as a means to cover up all of these deceptions.

Finally, part two reveals why the DOJ has gone to such lengths: to protect the mechanism by which bailed out criminal banking enterprises have been asserting criminal immunity all along, namely, the DOJ’s illegitimate collateral consequences doctrine, which is the get-out-of-jail free card handed by these criminals to their DOJ servants on the latter’s path to great financial reward later.

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