EU Tries to Disarm Swiss Veterans Over Terror Fears

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

After ISIS terrorists massacred 130 civilians in Paris last year, the EU decided to create a new set of laws to restrict online weapon sales and the ownership of “assault weapons.” Of course, these laws would have to be applied to all nations in the Schengen Area, which includes nations that allow passport-free travel within the EU.

However, one nation in the Schengen Area is not on board with the new gun laws. Switzerland, though not a part of the EU, does allow passport-free travel to its EU neighbors, and the Alpine nation is not pleased with a provision in this plan that would disarm their veterans.  

Switzerland has long maintained mandatory military service for all male citizens, and after that service is finished, veterans are allowed to keep their rifles. If these laws took effect then that tradition would be prohibited, and thousands of veterans could be disarmed. A minister with the Swiss government tried to negotiate the ban, but the EU still demanded that veterans need psychological tests and to be members of gun clubs if they want to keep their military rifles.

The Swiss generally view the laws as a challenge to their traditions and sovereignty. Gun rights groups in the country have promised to hold a referendum, so that the people may ultimately decide if Switzerland will adhere to the new restrictions. If they vote against these gun laws, it could drive another wedge between the independent minded Swiss and the EU.

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Contributed by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple.

Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author. You can follow Joshua’s reports at Facebook or on his personal Twitter. Joshua’s website is Strange Danger .

2 thoughts on “EU Tries to Disarm Swiss Veterans Over Terror Fears

  1. “Gun rights groups in the country have promised to hold a referendum, so that the people may ultimately decide if Switzerland will adhere to the new restrictions.”

    What… you didn’t think the communist gun disarmament agenda was going to be GLOBAL???

    Wakey, wakey…

  2. There’s always a stinking Jew bastard trying to disarm people somewhere, and it’s all so these psychopaths can rule the world.

    People propose a “final solution” to the Jewish problem because these sick bastards have been plaguing humanity with their deceit, perversion, usury, thievery, and the murder of children for two thousand years, and they NEVER stop.

    You can hang a thousand Jews, but it doesn’t change a thing. They’ll move to a new country, and do it again. If I were a religious man, I’d say these bastards were put on the Earth by Satan himself, just to test the patience of Christians.

    “See if thou can turn the other cheek to these sick bastards.”

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