Remember ‘Event 201’? Well, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is at it again.🙄 😒👥
Excerpts: SPARS Pandemic Scenario | Projects: Center for Health Security
“The Center’s SPARS Pandemic exercise narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future.”
From Page 55: “The SPARS Pandemic
Corovax production continued throughout the fall and winter. By mid-December, vaccines were no
longer limited to priority populations, and by January 2027, efforts to vaccinate the entire US
population were actively underway. Global vaccination efforts up to this point were limited by vaccine
supply, and while they had a moderate effect on SPARS incidence rates, the disease continued to spread
steadily worldwide.
Demographically, vaccination rates across the United States were mixed. Rates were high among
Filipino-Americans, healthcare workers, families with young children, and individuals who identified
themselves as Republicans. Rates were considerably lower among African Americans, Muslims, college
students, and pocketed communities in places like San Francisco and Boston, where anti-vaccine
sentiment was particularly high.
To reach members of these groups—which, with the exception of the pocketed communities, were
largely spread throughout the country—the US government added a new, aggressive advertising
campaign to its pro-vaccination efforts. This campaign provided targeted internet advertisements to
individuals as they conducted web searches or visited anti-vaccination websites. If someone searched
Google for “Corovax side effects,” for example, a sidebar advertisement appeared on the results page
explaining the benefits of the vaccine. Likewise, if someone wished to view the Kalocivir vomiting
video on YouTube, they would first have to watch either a montage of pictures illustrating the effects
of SPARS or a clip of Paul Farmer’s explanation of Corovax’s benefits. This advertisement campaign
required government officials to leverage relationships in the information technology industry,
including the many companies involved with social media, but the impact was worth the effort.
Vaccination rates eventually began increasing across all targeted demographics except the most
recalcitrant anti-vaccine activists.