Ex-gays point out the hypocrisy of firing “Duck Dynasty” Phil

Phil RobertsonFellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is the nation’s leading advocacy organization for love, support, and positive life change for the ex-gay community, their families, and individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions.

Yesterday, in the wake of Cable TV network A&E’s “indefinite suspension” of the Phil Robertson, the star of the ratings-giant Duck Dynasty, for his alleged “anti-gay” comments in a GQ magazine interview, PFOX issued this press release.  

PFOX points out the utter hypocrisy of GLAAD and the LGBT “community” for claiming victimhood from the “intolerance” of “homophobes” like Robertson, while being themselves intolerant of Robertson and any and all who are critical of homosexuality.


804-453-4737, PFOX@pfox.org

For Immediate Release

Ex-Gays Condemn Hypocritical Attacks on Duck Dynasty TV Star

In response to the A&E cable network’s suspension of Duck Dynasty founder Phil Robertson from his television reality show because of the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’s (GLAAD) anger at Robertson’s statements against homosexual behavior, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays ( PFOX) released the following:

HRC and GLAAD demand punishment for people like Phil Robertson  who do not agree with homosexual behavior, yet these same gay activist groups work to deny the civil rights of former homosexuals because they disagree with their sexual choices. Gay activists advocate for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders, but openly hate and bully people in the ex-gay community. Homosexual groups cannot claim sympathy as victims when they victimize others.

Mr. Robertson’s crime was to say that, as a man, he prefers female anatomy, and he quoted the Bible.  For that, he has been targeted by gay groups and suspended by the A&E Network from filming the hit show.

The demonization of ex-gays by gays themselves is a sad end to the long struggle for tolerance by the gay community. That ex-gays and their supporters are now oppressed by the same people who continue to claim victimization themselves demonstrates where the gay rights movement has gone – toward intolerance.

Every person seeking positive life change toward healthy sexuality needs the love and support of friends, family, the community, and places of worship. Respecting the lives of real people who decided to change – and including them in the conversation – is part of building a tolerant society. No one should be deprived of the truth about ex-gays because opponents prefer censorship and demonization over dialogue. Ex-gays need a climate of compassion and inclusion, not contempt and exclusion.


10 thoughts on “Ex-gays point out the hypocrisy of firing “Duck Dynasty” Phil

  1. Although this article documents a classic example of the left’s definition of peace: “The absence of resistance to their point of view” – wouldn’t it be great if this was the biggest problem we faced here in these united States?
    Possibly, as an example of just how far entrenched the totalitarian left is, it is the worst problem we face; but, in light of the revolving door of endless scandals of the Obama administration, the upcoming collapse of the uS Dollar, our slavish devotion to Israel(above and beyond the needs of the united States)plus our apparent desire for war as a cover for the Ponzi scheme that is the Federal Reserve, I’m as yet unconvinced.

    War is over, if you want it! – John Lennon

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Hawky.I find it extremely HYPOCRITICAL to find you posting a lyric from a song by a “HARDCORE DYED IN THE WOOL SOCIALIST” your words not mine,as John was my mentor and teacher from my first teen yrs.to young adulthood,you slandered him right here on the trenches at our previous headbutting. Why oh why

      1. Steve,

        I thought we were over that misunderstanding.

        For the record, I said “WAS” a socialist, in his early days. By 1980 he was aware of the false left/right paradigm and was waking A LOT of people up and that’s what got him killed.

        Please accept my apologies for insulting our mutual hero; yes, I liked him, too – loved his music, was inspired by his actions and mourned his death.

        Rather than rehash this debate, let me close with this:

        Can we move on and concentrate our fire downrange?

        Merry Christmas!

        1. Theres was no misunderstanding!He was NEVER A SOCIALIST THATS A FKN LIE plain and simple,site your facts show us all one single FACT that shows one iota of fact for your outrageous slanderous LIE, THERE’S NOTHING TO DEBATE,He was a working man that had a talent and shared it with the world.You owe me no apology as I dont care who you spread your lies to,I JUST WONT TOLERATE THEM THROWN IN MY FRIENDS FACES Im just not that easily fooled.He was a recluse from 1975 until when he was killed in 1980 so once again you just dont make no sense at all

          1. Steve,
            The man apologized. This isn’t the f#@king John Lennon site and you are not going to run people off just because they do not agree with you.
            I’ll make this as plain as I can. F#@k John Lennon, who was not even an American. He has been dead for what, 20 f#@king years now? And he doesn’t have a goddamn thing to do with what we are trying to accomplish here.
            It stops now and if being your friend requires letting you take over, I’ll pass.

          2. Steve,

            You haven’t heard a damn thing I’ve said since I apologized for angering you and attempted to clarify my position. Such strident, profanity laced responses that fail to address my other points tells me three things:
            1. I’m wasting my time trying to make nice with you and identify common ground.
            2. You are exhibiting examples of dangerous, obsessive and imbalanced behavior.
            3. You richly deserve a response to your turning my online moniker(Hawkeye)into an insult(Hawk boy). Right back at you, Steve Crab-Apple. You truly are the crankiest person I’ve ever tried to reason with; possibly increasing your bran intake may help your disposition.

            Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ was adopted by the international socialists and they became another group who tried to label and own him.
            As I said in my first posting, the song was a call for the utopian existence that the true believers are calling for: no possessions, no god, and no property rights. You’re big on dictionary posting; go look up ‘utopian’.
            As I attempted to point out, Lennon’s beliefs changed as he matured. Here he is pointing out the folly of Socialism and hero worship:


            Another quote from John Lennon:

            “I used to think that the world was doing something to me, that the world owed me something. And that either the conservatives or the socialists or the fascists or the communists or the Christians or the Jews or the fascists were doing something to me. And when you’re a teeny-booper, that’s what you think. I’m 40 now, I don’t think that anymore—because I found out it doesn’t f_____g work. I am part of them. There’s no separation. We’re all one. “Give peace a chance,” not “Shoot people for peace.” “All you need is love.” I believe it. It’s damn hard, but I absolutely believe it.”

            I’m now going to follow some sage advice from Mr. Sam Clemens, aka Mark Twain, and quit responding to your rantings:

            ‘Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.’

  2. I find the ‘ex-gay’ part to be funny.
    As if someone said they are done being attracted to the same sex and now only desires the opposite sex. As if it was a choice and they just got it wrong before but now they know the right answer.

  3. I think it is a shame when a man can not express his beliefs without a bunch of pansies crying about it. I admire a man that stands up for his beliefs and I think that Phils family should stand by him and tell AandE to shove it up their rear ends. I am sure that there is a network out there that would pick up their show in a heart beat. I would really like to know where the America that I grew up in went? I am really ashamed of what my country has become. It is now a country of sissies.

    1. You can thank the communists for that. Part of their agenda is to feminize the men of a country to the point that they would rather switch (swish?) than fight.

      They’ve found estrogen (among many other undesirable things) in tap water.

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