FBI Can Secretly Turn On Laptop Cameras Without The Indicator Light

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Scary. Insane. Ridiculous. Invasive. WrongThe Washington Post reports that the FBI has had the ability to secretly activate a computer’s camera “without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording” for years now. What in the hell is going on? What kind of world do we live in?  

Marcus Thomas, the former assistant director of the FBI’s Operational Technology Division, told the Post that that sort of creepy spy laptop recording is “mainly” used in terrorism cases or the “most serious” of criminal investigations. That doesn’t really make it less crazy (or any better) since the very idea of the FBI being able to watch you through your computer is absolutely disturbing.

The FBI has a long history of abuse towards the constitution.  A document not respected since the days of Abe Lincoln.  This is one of those things that your crazy conspiracy theory brother or son may have told you about that you knew for sure he was wrong about.  Well, think again.  It’s real, It’s now and it’s not going anywhere.  It’s only going to get worse and more invasive unless you, we, the people stand up to it.  -Mort


17 thoughts on “FBI Can Secretly Turn On Laptop Cameras Without The Indicator Light

  1. Gee…I’ve been telling people this for over a year now. Many of them still laugh at me or say, “I have nothing to hide. Let ’em.” Idiots.

    Anyways, it’s nothing a piece of duct tape can’t handle.

  2. Painters tape works great and can be removed and replaced with no harm done to the computer or cams cover when not wanting to use said cam numbers of times.
    They will see blue screen depending on light and if you use post-it’s the color of the post-It will show but no image.

    I already know I am being watched and listened to so I make every conversation interesting even when those conversations only include myself.

      1. Paul
        Love to stir the pot so to speak and watch people cringe with what is being said(frack pc) or cower in absolute fear of having to come up with an answer to the truth being spoken about.
        Mind you, you have to pick your verbal battles and an old age home is not the place to verbally svengali people.

          1. At least someone does Paul and thanks its to bad I cant get paid for those truth-jokes heck I really would rather stay un-famous.

    1. Stuff it with toilet paper(yes its pun intended for the TIHS listeners) and cover with the above mentioned medium.

      Honestly the best thing is not to have a cam and if you do attach an additional cam just to mix things up for fun. You can use multiple cams(depending on program used) and or other video playing to really spin things around for what is real and what is not.

    2. They’re not going to hear me say anything I don’t already post here in comments, so f%&k ’em.

      As long as I don’t have to take time out from posting to flip my computer screen off every two minutes.

  3. I shall put tape over the camera when I upgrade and I’ll read how to deal with the mic. They don’t need to see or hear us to know we’re not afraid of them, while their need to spy shows they fear us. I often make my contempt clear by putting my name to comments on sites they might monitor, because if they can’t make us cower we’re the real power. All they’ll have is force and that can be beaten.

  4. Well I hope these bozos get all het up about watching a 61 year old white haired female with front teeth missing do nothing but sit in front of her laptop…hope they don’t get so damned horny they forget what jobs they are supposed to be doing…oh wait…And hope they enjoy my bogus rants on Johnny Football, the Dallas Cowgirls, and Peyton Manning….Bwhahahaha!

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