Feds say new Texas land belongs in public domain

BLMLOGOChron – by Lauren McGaughy

AUSTIN – Land once considered part of Oklahoma that now is in Texas due to shifts along the Red River belongs to the federal government, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has told state officials.

In a letter sent June 20 to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, BLM Director Neil Kornze noted that the 2000 Red River Boundary Compact determined the border between Oklahoma and Texas lies at the “gradient line along the south bank of the Red River.” Previous court cases already determined any land between this line and the mid-point of the river was in the public domain and, therefore, belonged to the federal government, Kornze added.  

“Any shifts in the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma as a result of the Compact may mean that public lands that are owned by the United States now are within Texas that were formerly in Oklahoma,” Kornze’s letter stated. “The BLM will determine the uses and extent of these public lands through the current public planning process and any necessary surveys.”

Abbott sent a laundry list of questions to the BLM on April 22, asking why the federal agency claimed control of up to 90,000 acres on the Texas side of the Red River and how it would undertake a multi-year review of how to manage the land. Other questions included a request for a specific timeline of the review process, what steps Texas landowners could take if they believe private land is being seized, and which specific land tracts would be impacted.

Landowners and some elected officials are accusing the BLM of preparing to seize private land that the owners have worked and paid taxes on for years. The BLM has denied it is considering taking any private land, saying the tracts in question always have been publicly owned.

In its June 20 response, the BLM detailed the next steps of its land review process. The BLM is now in the process of putting together an analysis of possible land management alternatives, based largely on concerns raised by the public and released in a report in early June. A draft management plan will then be drawn up and released for public comment. The entire process likely will not be completed until 2018 or later.

Abbott said the BLM letter did not address many of his most pressing concerns.

“The BLM’s recent letter fails to answer the questions that I and many Texans have about the BLM’s seeming land grab along the Red River,” Abbott told the Chronicle.

“It is still unclear what area along the Red River the BLM is attempting to lay claim to, under what authority, and how the BLM intends to treat the Texans who have for generations considered the land private property. The BLM’s inadequate response will force Texas to pursue other options to obtain the needed information — including litigation if needed,” he added.

A copy of BLM letter is included below.

06-20-14 BLM Letter to Texas AG Greg Abbott


4 thoughts on “Feds say new Texas land belongs in public domain

  1. “Meanwhile, locals are still receiving tax estimates on the disputed land — regardless of whether they technically own it.

    The BLM has not decided whether it will close off parts of the land or make it open to the public. One option would be to let Texans continue using it, though they would then be subject to federal regulations. Another option would be to sell it. Or Congress could tell the agency to do something else with the land.”


    You can’t win against “Eminent Domain.” When/How do we put a Stop to it?

  2. “Previous court cases already determined any land between this line and the mid-point of the river was in the public domain and, therefore, belonged to the federal government, Kornze added.”

    The Federal Government DOESN’T OWN SHIT!!! It belongs to We the people, you sick Communist bastard! 😡

    ““The BLM will determine the uses and extent of these public lands through the current public planning process and any necessary surveys.””

    The BLM ought to take its unconstitutional ass and swim back to Cuba if they no what’s good for them. Otherwise, they are going to face the wrath of We the People!



    First the Government does not own anything they just rob steal and create their own thefts of lands. The BLM is a corporation not a Federal Agency. They were created in 1915 in Puerto Rico as a company.
    The land they want to take over has minerals oil and gas AND THEY WANT IT. By hook or crook. There is water along the Red River and rivers that run on top and under the ground which are Aquafers. The Feds and BLM will then after the land grab will say all waters running through there and on the Rivers will be taken and they can llitterly take the whole state Of Oklahoma and Texas over for thousands of miles and force everyone off their lands by court orders declaring water theft which they will make legal and control all the resources. This is not just 90,000 acres but MILES AND MILES of peoples homes and land by legal theft they will put in place. I wrote the State of Texas folks and alerted them to these and other things the BLM is doing here in Texas.

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