Feds Try to Close the Ocean Because of Shutdown

Brietbart – by Mike Flynn

Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was “closed” due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban. Of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.   

This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government’s ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away for it.

At least that Memorial is an actual structure, with some kind of perimeter that can be fenced off. Florida Bay is the ocean. How, pray tell, do you “close” 1,100 square miles of ocean? Why would one even need to do so?

Apparently, according to an anonymous Park Service ranger, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Centuries ago, King Canute famously failed to command the ocean tide to stop. His display was actually a means to educate his subjects on the limits of royal power. Today, however, our President actually believes he has the power to control the oceans.


11 thoughts on “Feds Try to Close the Ocean Because of Shutdown

  1. Oblabla couldn’t make a decision if his life depended on it….everything he does comes from the WH 33 Czars (at least of which 18 are Jewish) or funneled thru Valerie Jarrett. All higher directives come from the Bank of International Securities. All Agencies of the Govt are controlled by others assigned by the BIS. Congress is a farce & has been acting in name only since 1933 when FDR dissolved it…………Support the Trucker Strike & Drive on DC Oct. 11, 12 & 13…….Continue to expose the CIA & Evergreen Air chemtrails……All need to continue the fight for Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth

  2. my understanding of shutdown must be different, if your shut down then you dont stop people from going about their business..

  3. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Could this be the UN/Agenda 21 taking over all National Parks, Law of the Sea, etc. where they don’t want ANY humans to be allowed, you know, just to get us acclimated to being “herded” into their stackable, sustainable cities?? The Biosphere program once again raising its ugly head.

  4. I wonder if they will try to close down the rotation of the earth next.
    “Sorry folks, the earth is on shutdown. NO GRAVITY FOR YOU!!!”

  5. Stop all international shipping too?
    Coast guard and shipping inspectors should have been furloughed too.
    No ship in or out of port as they may go through those no fishing zones.

  6. This from one article:

    “The Pentagon is bringing back to work at least 90 percent of the estimated 350,000 defense civilian employees who were furloughed in the partial government shutdown.”

    This from another:

    “It is amazing to watch the pathetic efforts of this administration to convince the People that they should be terrified by a 13% reduction in government spending and the subsequent furloughs of some non-essential government employees.

    That’s some massive so-called ‘government’ shutdown ya got goin’ there, Obummer.

    Maybe you can order the air to be shut down while you’re at it, clown boy.

    What a MAROON!!!

  7. Yeah, you are all hired by the REAL FOLKS OF THE REAL united states of America!!!!……Continue to fight for Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth

  8. How about they close the ocean and prevent those Russian subs from entering the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern seaboard. Whoops! Now why would they ever do that? That would screw up their NWO plans. After all, they gotta make sure their NWO plans are all still running during the shutdown.

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