Feinstein: First Amendment is a Special Privilege, Not a Right!

Published on Sep 17, 2013 by 68Truthseeker

California Senator Dianne Feinstein has proposed an amendment to the Media Shield Law that would ignore the protection afforded by the First Amendment and would limit the law’s protection only to “real reporters,” not bloggers and other upstart alternative media types.

49 thoughts on “Feinstein: First Amendment is a Special Privilege, Not a Right!

  1. Ive got the rope, ive got enough to take care of at least half of those fu##ers, when do we start?
    I prefer 4th gen warfare over direct confrontation though, that way they get to live with some of the same uncertainty that they have created for us.

  2. Maybe the way these commie Congress critters are trying their best to change our Bill of RIghts, flying the Chinese flag over California is par for the course.

      1. You know Digger, we have an “inland port” here in Missouri near KC. There was a big stink about it a few years back, and I remember they were flying foreign flags over it. I think, if I remember right, they were given the land for it-part of this transcontinental highway system they’ve been working on. Amazing how many acts of treason go on in this country right under our noses.

        1. Yes Paula, slow but sure they are screwing us right under our noses, but people are wakeing up and the PTB know it and they are getting nervous. Nothing worse than a nervous parinoid parinoid is there and they are getting nervous.

        2. I think that is the chinese free trade zone and it has become their sovereign land. Their are a few spots like that around the country. Just going by memory

  3. I swore an oath to remain civil online but then again Diane swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. Yep it’s time to recall this reptile or better yet arrest her for treason. I suggest broadcasting her trial on reality TV. When she is found guilty then she should be hung in public. It will serve to remind all politicians that the Constituents (minions) have just about had it with the ruling classes trampling on the Constitution.

    1. @ FED UP
      Alls we would have to do is arrest, and convict one treasonous commie traitor in the gov’t and give them the American Hemp Rope Wind Chimes sentence and I believe that the rest of the traitors would be lining up to Rat on the rest of them. We would have our Constitutional Republic back in no time.
      I think that seeings how Feinstein is the most vocal about trampling on We the People unalienable Bill of Rights that she should be the first one to get arrested and tried

  4. There is an irony here that is in a way infuriating. Senator Dianne Feinstein represents California along with Senator Barbara Boxer. Both of these women are Jewish. Jews make up about 2% of our population and out of that 2% comes 20% of our Congress and 30% of the Supreme Court.
    Does anyone know how many Jews signed the Declaration of Independence??? Not a single one.
    How many Jews met to form the Continental Congress in writing the Constitution? Not a single one.
    Now we have a Jew telling us that one of the Bill of Rights is a special privilege…..NOT A RIGHT.
    During the Continental Congress Benjamin Franklin argued vehemently to not allow the “lowly European Jew” into the new country. Although by this time there were Jews in America. Franklin warned of the dangers of allowing Jews to get into positions of power……no doubt his memory of all the horrors of wars in Europe funded by Jews was in his mind. He prophesied that in 200 years the Jews would be running the country. Well, his worst fears have come to pass.
    Now this tiny minority defines our Constitution for us. Something they had no hand in drafting. These people claim that Moses received the Ten Commandments from God himself over 3000 years ago. Well, they have spent the past 3000 years looking for loopholes. They are very good at defining laws…no doubt that is the reason there are so many Jewish lawyers. Benjamin Franklin warned us of this AND he warned that they would own everything while Gentiles toiled to support these people who make money out of money instead of work. He must be rolling over in his grave about now.
    Oh Yes,,,,by the way….I wrote both of these Senators about NOT going to war against Syria. As might be expected, being Jewish, they are all for a war that will be for Israel’s benefit to be fought by us Gentiles.

    We are going to have to vote every damn one of these people out of our government. Calling for armed revolution would get me and anyone else arrested no doubt but we MUST vote them out as quickly as we can. We MUST take this country away from these Godless immoral Jews. They have no principles other than love of power and money. They want everything and they want us Gentiles to serve their interests. I refuse.

      RIGHT ON…………….

      1. when the US Army took me to Vietnam, end of the 60’s we went to the wrong place…
        Should have gone to Israel…..and done there what was done in Vietnam…………..uk,uk,uk…………..I am pissed…..
        ” calm down now Robert”
        alright. For a bit….only

    2. Voting them out? F**K that!

      James, haven’t you learned anything from the last presidential election? The only way to get rid of these Zionist Jews is to drag them out by force. Armed if you have to. This bitch knows nothing of the Constitution and is not even from this country and she is telling me how to live in MY country and changing my rights into privileges? She’s committed high treason. Send the bitch packing or give her the rope!

      1. Yup….voting did a lot of good last election….we’re sh!tting in tall cotton now, ain’t we? You got it, NC; drag them out by the short hairs & put the lash to them.

    3. James, for the LAST time: F*CK VOTING!!!


    4. James, I apologize for being so harsh in my comment this morning, but it’s been a rough couple of weeks at work for me, and honestly, for as long as you’ve been posting comments here, you should know by now how Henry and the rest of us feel about voting. It is an umitigated fraud, designed to give the clueless sheeple the ILLUSION of a choice. Why would you think that voting is in ANY way legitimate, when the only choices presented are THEIR choices. It’s not even a question of the lesser of two evils, as ALL the candidates are controlled by the Zionists. So please, do us all a favor (and yourself as well) and don’t ever speak of voting again as if it makes the slightest bit of difference, because it absolutely, positively does NOT.

      The closest we’ll ever come to voting any of these communist traitors out of office will be with hemp ropes.

          1. I think we should flip them upside down and shake them by their ankles first before we hang them.

            That way we can get all our money back.

          2. Yes Smilardog, yes we will bygolly. Like obama used to say ” Yes We Can ” , Obama also said that ” It Is Time For A Change ” So yes we can Smilardog, yes we can do them windchimes bygolly 🙂 .

          3. yeah, agreed. Not to mention as slimy as they are, they’d be hard to hold.
            Wouldn’t be worth the risk of them slithering away.

          4. I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole…. Now, a ten foot hemp rope is a whole nother story! hahaha

          5. After they’re hung the bodies need to be airlifted to Japan and dropped into Fukushima.

            One can never be too sure when it comes to the ‘chosen ones’. No such thing as overkill, imo. 🙂


  6. It’s official. She’s up there on my list, along with Hitlery and Obama. All of them are guilty and should be hanged for high treason.

  7. I ask myself everyday why this woman is still standing and hasn’t croaked yet. Same with Hitlery, Graham, McCain and the rest of the treasonous filth in this fake government we have. I still get no answer and more of their treasonous, Communist bullshit. I just don’t get it. I really don’t.

    1. I don’t get it either….
      Where is the Supreme Court?
      Where is the US Military?
      Where are the State Governors?
      Where is the accountability of financial spending? The off budget items are as big, if not bigger than the budget items….hidden debt!
      Where is the court system in this country?
      Have all of these individuals been given a sleeping pill lasting for decades?
      I don’t get it!!!!!!
      The standard answers of NWO, shadow gov and so forth….don’t fill the bill of the question……….What’s going on???
      This situation we are in, concerns our very being…now, and the above people i asked ….where are they/seem to me, are lacking of the brain of many 8th grade students….I mean that !!!
      Does not make sense to me….

      1. Hey rbeason, there is a solution that every community will be faced with when the time comes. It’s called public hangings for high treason. The town I live in is called “The hanging town” because of history. Back in the late 1800’s, 2 brothers shot and killed the sheriff. One was killed during their capture, the other was dragged out of the jail by townsfolk before trial, some of my ancestors were there, and they hung him on the courthouse lawn. I hope the old saying “History repeats itself” holds true, in this case anyway.

        1. Oh yea Millard, there were some hard asses here in our neck of the woods. Yea Milard my great grand father was called the hanging judge back in the day. They would take a criminal – convicted or not – and take them up in the ” Irvington hills ” – you know where those hills are – and they would either hang them, tie and quarter them, or they would beat them to death, some times they would give the guy a count of 10 or 20 to run for his life and then take target practice and shoot their behind – if they got away they would never be found around the area again. Needless to say that most if not all of these guys carrying out these sentences were masons and clan members and many of the sentenced were black or were foreigners.

      2. That’s the problem of the NSA – Spy vs Spy Network. When they listen and record all of the dirt on all of our leaders they find all of the skeletons in everyones closet. They know all of the world leaders stuff that they want hidden. You know, congressman who are Chomos, or into sex with sheep, the dirty deeds done dirt cheap and these guys will do what ever they are told. Look at it this way….. the ones that are to most outrageous, like that reptillian faced Feinstien, Mc,Cain, Shumer, Lindey Graham, Reid, Pelosi, all of them. You have go to figure that they have to most evil stuff to hide.

        Another thing…. if they have access to all the emails, phone calls, etc. Of businesses, Imagine all of the trade secrets, and business plans they find out about and steal or manipulate in someway. Talk about insider trading. This is total control of our government and has to be stopped.

        I am totally sick of it, and as the sheep wake up and realize what’s going they will be too.

  8. The Jews throughout history have had to lick the sandal straps of more conquerors than anyone else. But they have always had those who could lick their way upward. They have ruined and caused trouble for more nations than anyone else. As a result they have been thrown out of more host countries than anyone else. History rolls on and does repeat itself.
    Our Founding Fathers didn’t want them here. Prior to America becoming an independent nation the Dutch governor of New Amsterdam (New York) refused to allow Jews to settle there. During the Civil War General Grant issued General Order 11 forbidding Jews from coming into his district because of their illegal trading practices. Everywhere these people have been…. dishonesty, graft, greed, treachery and every vice known has followed them. Their behavior never changes. Their lies never cease.
    We ARE going to have to remove them from our body politic.
    I’m always reluctant to advocate violence (a crime) on here. I don’t call for killing or physically injuring anyone. With that said, I very much do believe that when the American people become aware of the part played by Jews in wrecking our economy and pushing America into war……especially IF we get into a big war with lots of Gentile body bags coming home…..there is going to be some vengeance taken out on these people. I have written many times that should the U.S. start a big Middle Eastern war which we all know would be greatly for Israel’s benefit and at its behest AND things got really bad with a wrecked World economy, Oil cut off etc. Then you would see synagogues and Israeli embassies along with U.S. embassies on fire around the World. Jews would be dragged out of hotel rooms and beaten to death in city streets from Buenos Aries, to Johannesburg, to Singapore ……even in Europe and America Jews would suffer. I think that is going to happen.
    The World would then ask….are a few Jews worth a World War….and of course the answer would be NO ……thereby sealing their fate.

  9. Here is another little tidbit of American/Jewish history. Google….
    “Truman Jews Diary July 1947” and read about what President Truman thought of Jews….their self centeredness and selfish attitude.
    There is below the surface in American culture a prejudice about Jews. In spite of what most say about them being “chosen people” etc..the underlying hostility toward them is still there and will eventually surface.
    Their behavior will bring it out.

    1. I think that Jesus said it best and that we should always distinguish the difference between Jew and Zionist. Even the Genome Research done these days proves that the difference between Jew and Zionist. I myself pray for blessings and the peace of Israel and the real Jews, and I pray curses on and the truth be known to the world about the Zionist for what and who they are. I don’t want to get on the wrong side of the issue with God on this.

      Rev 2:9
      I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

      Rev 3:9
      I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

      Mathew 23:27
      Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, who are like white tombs, which from the outside appear lovely, but from within are full of the bones of the dead and all corruption!

        1. Hahaha… thanks Bent Spear

          I just wonder about people who say they know the truth about who the real Jews are, but then they always lump them all into the same group, while saying they know the truth. Seems, suspicious to me, because they always continue to do it even after they say they know the difference, or the truth. It’s like they have an agenda of continuing the dis-information so as to continue to give the Zionist cover. If you know the truth tell it like it is and quit lying about it. You give the Truth and Liberty movement a bad name.

  10. Yep, time to see them all hang out together. F@cking fed up with this shit!

    I feel like Bart Simpson in the back of the car when Homer was driving. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

    1. I don’t advocate violence either…
      I didn’t advocate going to Nam either…..
      We did though, go to the wrong place……….
      should have been israel…..not south vietnam….
      it may some day yet come to that……….
      if that hole in the wall, place believes they can steer our mighty armed forces all over the globe forever……well, better look out…cause it is capable of changing course and going straight to this ……hole in the wall……unannounced and in the dead of the night,..

      1. Hey RBeason,
        I’m opposed to violence and try to live my life with morals and accordingly to the words of the Good Book. However, these sick individuals poison us everyday, they pillage our pockets everyday, they trample on our rights everyday and the list goes on.
        Are we to stand and let this go on forever while they continue to force this oppression on us? With a sadden heart, I look at my children and fear for what they have to face. They consider us all cattle and with enough evidence in ones days posting on this site, you can see that their very intention is to cause us nothing but agony and pain.

        This fight is unlike any fight that we faced since the very making of America. This isn’t some made up agenda that they have planned. This is us resetting our republic back to where it belongs. I never asked for this, but then again I never asked to have them continuously hammer away at a belief in God and peace.

        I do wish a peaceful solution was on the table but it seems that they leave us no options.

        Trust me friend, I pray everyday that things get turned around and back onto the path of goodness and righteousness to prevent the obvious. I got over the depression stage when I woke up to their evil ways sometime ago. Now I’m just pissed and ready to have things put back onto the right path. I don’t want to see my children be a product of their poison. For me, that’s worth the fight.

  11. reason….I was in the Navy when Israel attacked the USS Liberty and killed some of my fellow Navy brothers. We should have stomped that shithole into the ground then but there were tooooo many Jews already in control of our government.
    That issue is still a very raw nerve for many of us Navy guys. The U.S. government turned its back on our own sailors in favor of some worthless Jews. For this alone I want to see that “nuisance” stomped on without mercy. When you get into reading history ….you’ll love it I’m sure….also read Josephus history of the Jewish War. Michael Grant’s “History of Ancient Israel” is also very good. I have the set by Durant and my favorite one to read is “Caesar and Christ”. It gets into the Jewish Roman war too.
    Also, almost forgot…a few months ago bought a copy of Philo’s History….mainly because I was interested in his involvement in the Roman Jewish war. He was one of the people who went to Rome to have Caligula intercede on behalf of the Jews. As I said these people had to lick a lot of sandal straps and they were always a thorn in someone else’s side.
    The Jews claim that God gave them the land of Israel but for most of their history they were a part of someone else’s empire. They didn’t really own it and had to bow down to mightier powers. For only two short periods in antiquity did they live truly independent.

    to Smilardog,,,,,,,,,,,, I know there’s a difference between the Jew of today and those of antiquity. Ashkenazi Jews are fakes….they’re NOT descendend from Abraham. They are the ones now that we are dealing with. I realize that in talking about Jews we are talking about this group mostly. Still, throughout history Jews have been a problem.
    My belief is that the best way to deal with them is to NOT deal with them at all….leave them alone…don’t buy or sell to them, don’t talk to or listen to them…remove them as far as possible from your daily life…and for certain don’t ever ever ever vote for one.
    Jews are a bigger threat to Christians than anyone.

    1. If they are not the Jews then why call them Jews and confuse people who don’t know the truth.
      I would call them Babylonian Talmudic Luciferian Zionist Den of Vipers of the Synagogue of Satan, that are full of dead mans bones. The Money Changers who are the International Bankster Cabalist Illuminati peice of crap scum of the earth. Call them what they are and be real, so the world know who exactly they are and no one can confuse them with the real Jews.

      There is no way we are going to get people to understand the truth in this when you start saying “Jews this, and Jews that”, because of the stigma of the brainwashing of the term anti-Semite. Christian’s who don’t know the difference will just shut down from listening to you and will not ever listen to you again.

      I can get Christians to listen when I say… Okay, let us sit down and reason together. Then I take them to what Jesus said about them, and I go from there into Babylon, etc. up unto present day. Then they understand clearly the truth.

  12. Hey you guys… Steve Quayle and Tom Horn were on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report tonight. One of the best shows that I have heard in a while. They talked about a whole lot of end times events, of what all that spooky scary stuff in the book of Revelation and different stuff that will cause a mans heart to fail him, for what’s coming upon the world… Don’t be Skeered!!! haha A Must Listen Show Tonight I was afraid to go smoke a cig because I was afraid that I would miss something that they said lol


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