Finally, a museum for the victims of communism

My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.

They hope that it’s ready for 2017, or the 100th anniversary of The Bolshevik Revolution that started communism.   This is from James Kirchick:

“The museum would include witness testimony, artifacts, and interactive exhibits registering the toll communism has wrought in some 40 countries throughout history.
Such an institution would join the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in teaching future generations about man’s capacity for inhumanity. “

Of course, no one needs to tell me about the evils of communism. It is something that I saw with my young eyes and heard from my parents’ stories of how communism was imposed on the Cuban people. I also read of the gulags, the Cambodian Killing Fields and Mao’s famine.

To say the least, communism is responsible for 100 million deaths.  It means that communism is the deadliest ideology of the 20th century. Of course, the prisons are still locking up people in Cuba, North Korea and demonstrators are attacked by police in Venezuela.

The Cold War is over and communism does not represent a nuclear threat to the US anymore, i.e. the USSR is over. However, the ideas behind communism are still around and polluting young minds here, there and everywhere.

It would be nice if every school kid in the US visited the “museum” once it opens in 2017. Like the Holocaust, communism was a deadly ideology for the people forced to lived under its thumb.

P. S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

5 thoughts on “Finally, a museum for the victims of communism

  1. The list grows daily. There is no end to it until zionism/communism is destroyed. We are victims every day just not direct fatalities. We are as free as we choose to be by knowing who the slave master is and doing our best to fight the beast in every way possible every day in every way. Keep fighting Trenchers. Never give up. Never surrender.

  2. “Such an institution would join the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in teaching future generations about man’s capacity for inhumanity. “
    But for God’s sake, please don’t reference the holyhoax as a factual event! Half a brain and an iota of critical thinking will dispel the myth and bring the reality of just how devious and plotting the enemy truly is.

  3. I hope they point out that the joos are behind the whole thing. They probably won’t. But its important to point out. Its their baby.

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