Former Prosecutor Says Cops Planting Guns On People They Shoot Is ‘Standard Operating Procedure’

Police Shooting TeenCounter Current News – by Reagan Ali and S. Wooten

Former District Attorney Arthur Aidala has appeared on Fox News many times as an expert they call in to discuss legal matters. But recently, the former Senior Assistant District Attorney for Kings County, New York said something the network didn’t like very much.

Aidala said that through his dealings with the New York Police Department in the 1990s, he has concluded that the planting of a taser on Walter Scott, in a recently-released video of the controversial South Carolina police shooting, is not at all unusual. In fact, Aidala says that this is something of an “open secret” among law enforcement and is “standard operating procedure.”  

When I was in the DA’s office in the 80s and 90s, that was standard operating procedure. Police officers — I hate to say this — would keep a second gun that nobody knew about on their ankle, so if they ever killed someone they shouldn’t have they would take that gun out.

Speaking to the South Carolina shooter – Officer Slager, Aidala added the following:

There’s going to be no sympathy for this police officer, except for the fact that it’s a 33-year-old human being who is getting paid $40,000 to protect his own life and protect everyone else’s life. Nobody thinks this cop woke up that morning and said let me go kill somebody. He made split second decisions and they were wrong. Obviously he made wrong decisions. It’s going to be about, in my opinion, how much jail time does he serve.

It is clear to most that if the shooting of Walter Scott had not been captured on camera then the media and police would have colluded to present the victim as though he were guilty, and even aggressed against the violent officer who fatally shot him in the back.

But the video footage that was taken shows an officer who was very comfortable to shooting an unarmed man, and even more comfortable covering it up. It also showed a partner who did not miss a beat in covering for the shooter, and a department that scarcely questioned anything written in their police reports.

Aidala tells us we should not be surprised. This is the norm in policing – the rule, not the exception.

Watch the video from Fox News below…

3 thoughts on “Former Prosecutor Says Cops Planting Guns On People They Shoot Is ‘Standard Operating Procedure’

  1. Did not wake up and plan on killing someone? What the fuc@ ?
    He shot the guy in the back! As he was running away! Then plants taser by his body before seeing if the guy was still alive. He was thinking how can I cover up killing this guy.
    He should get death!

  2. We’re seeing cop murders on the Zionist news so we’ll accept a national, federal police force.

  3. “He made split second decisions and they were wrong. Obviously he made wrong decisions.”

    Obviously, wrong decisions are SOP these days. Calling their badges ‘shields’ takes on an entirely different meaning than the original (assumed) intent.

    Can’t wait for the day when the only thing they’re wearing is dirt overcoats.

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