Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Says America Has No Functioning Democracy, Supports Edward Snowden

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Says America Has No Functioning Democracy, Supports Edward SnowdenCarbonated TV – by Fatimah

Former United States President Jimmy Carter has reportedly come out in support of National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden.

According to German news source Spiegel Online, Jimmy Carter has not only defended the NSA leaker but has also condemned U.S. global ‘spying’ efforts.

Carter  said, “America has no functioning democracy,” while speaking at a meeting of the “Atlantic Bridge” in Atlanta. Ex-US President also added, “I think the invasion of privacy has gone too far,” Carter reportedly told CNN. “And I think that is why the secrecy was excessive.” Praising Snowden’s effort to help bring out the classified information through the leaks could be useful (and not treacherous) because they inform the public.”  

This is a very important statement for the reason that it is coming from a former United States president, and a “democrat” president for that matter. This gives much weight to the anti-NSA snooping argument that U.S. was wrong to carry out unauthorized mass surveillance programs.

Jimmy Carter has been quite vocal about his views regarding United States abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights. Last year, he wrote an op-ed in The New York Times pointing out that ‘certain laws had canceled the restraints in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to allow unprecedented violations of [Americans’] rights to privacy through warrantless wiretappingand government mining of our electronic communications.’

And that’s what exactly has been happening. The top secret, mass ‘snooping’ surveillance programs such as PRISM and Boundless Informant, according to Snowden’s leaks, were being used to not only spy on American people but also on people (and governments) of other countries of the world.

Although, according to the German news source, Jimmy Carter expressed his pro-Edward Snowden views to CNN, there is not much (or any) reporting found on his statement in the mainstream media. The news is however being shared on social media platforms such as Reddit and Twitter and people are wondering as to why major news organizations are not interested in covering former U.S. president’s statement over the NSA scandal which undoubtedly holds a lot of impact and importance in U.S. politics.

Or perhaps this is not at all surprising given the fact that several attempts are being made to ‘tailor’ news stories being manufactured and going into the U.S. But this is just an assumption. Just an assumption.

11 thoughts on “Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Says America Has No Functioning Democracy, Supports Edward Snowden

  1. …How’s this….

    Paul Craig Roberts…for President / 2016
    Glenn Greenwald…for Presidential Spokesperson
    Jimmy Carter…for Vice President / 2016
    Ron Paul…for Secretary of Defense
    …I think you get the idea…
    oh…how about Mike Hasting’s girlfriend…or Mom…for Attorney General?

    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

    1. HERES the way it works kids,THE ELECTIONS WERE RIGGED,get it RIGGED,obama couldn’t have got elected to dog catcher,ROMMEY got 25% of the vote in the 2012 election,obama got 15% of the vote ,RON PAUL got over 50% of the vote,WHO WON,RON PAUL,but you can’t tell a bunch of sheep anything,now can you………………….

  2. What?!! Ok, even if this story is true (which is doubtful) Carter, while trying to say something right, still effing get’s it wrong. Hey Carter, the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy you dumbass. Didn’t you ever recite the pledge of allegiance when you were in school?
    “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands…etc. etc.”
    Next time you want to say something, try not to use a bunch of double talk and hyperbole and actually say something worth saying.
    (I’m certain Carter won’t read this but the NSA will digitally store it for future

    1. …yep…you are correct…I don’t know that JC ever knew much about anything but nuts… however….I do think his moral compass was at least oriented in the proper direction…though his leadership skills were propbably not what the country needed at the time…(he fit the WH Master’s needs just fine at the time)…I think if you put JC in a position of power right now… he’d be fun to watch as he waded into the cesspooll of corruption in DC….I think PCR would have the energy and JC the motivation and experience….ha!….RJ

  3. ONE OF THE STUPIDEST presidents america ever had,THINKS snowden did the right thing,WHATS that say about OBAMA,sadly america,has out done itself again,we have an even dumber president then carter,NOW THATS REALLY SAYING SOMETHING,america your finished,NOT only does obama think he’s GOD,but he’s a cloned egyptian pharaoh,not a black man at all,but THE ANTI-CHRIST himself,and the whole world can see it ,but not americans?so whos’ dumber here,the world OR americans,the LORD said I will blind the evil ones,OH OH,america has been blinded…………this ain’t good,they’ll never see the russians coming on them,RED DAWN,coming on a blinded people……………………..

  4. Carter was probably our last legitimate President and certainly the last one who actually stood up for America. Not hard to imagine why he’s publicly maligned and denigrated at every opportunity. Even photo sessions of living Presidents have him standing off to one side. A good thing too as he doesn’t want to be associated with the train of oligarch appointees beginning with Reagan.

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