Fox News Reporter Dies of Apparent Suicide

Former Fox News journalist Dominic Di-Natale was found dead in Colorado Wednesday after an apparent suicide.Seattle PI – by Sadie Gennis

Fox News reporter Dominic Di-Natale has been found dead of an apparent suicide, the network reports. He was 43.

Di-Natale’s body was found Wednesday in Jefferson County, Co., where Di-Natle owned property, after a friend reached out to officials about Di-Natale’s state of mind. According to Fox News, the international correspondent had been struggling with undisclosed health issues.  

“We were extremely saddened to learn of Dominic’s passing and send our deepest condolences to his family and friends,” said a statement from a Fox News spokesperson. “He was an esteemed journalist and an integral part of our news coverage throughout the Middle East.”

“So sad to hear Fox’s Dominic Di-Natale has died. A great reporter, who off-air was always trying to help US troops. I will miss him,” Megyn Kelly shared on Twitter.

Since joining Fox News in 2007, Di-Natale covered some of the most major news stories, including the death of Osama Bin Laden and, most recently, the Ferguson protests.

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3 thoughts on “Fox News Reporter Dies of Apparent Suicide

    1. I read somewhere that dentists & dental assistants actually have one of the highest suicide rates in the country.

      Something to do with the mercury they use to fill cavities.

  1. We understand that the majority of major “journalists” are on the CIA payroll to make sure they are delivering the right propaganda (I mean “news”), so this guy probably had to lie to the public reading the phony scripts given to him by the CIA…like the Osama Bin Laden “death” story hoax mentioned above…I would think that being under the thumb of this Totalitarian Regime most journalists are probably feeling suicidal……….it would make sense….only a real psychopath would enjoy being part of the great deception that is Fox Reporting (and all other main stream reporting).

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