
If you say I am a slave and not free, I say to you, I am free whether caged or chained because I have in my heart and soul the ability to say “No” and mean it, even if men with guns come and take my life.

Live free till the end of life and your soul will live free forever.

6 thoughts on “Free

  1. It’s impossible to lock up thoughts. “It’s illegal to think that way!” “All right, I’ll stop.” (nod, nod, wink, wink.) They feel their control is slipping and are starting to get concerned.

    “These damned sheeples are getting smarter, the won’t follow each other jumping off the cliff anymore.” In fact, they’re growing horns and lookin’ like they’re pissed off.

    Another scoop shovel of sh*t, open wide and say ahhhhhhh! I’ve ate enough sh*t sandwiches in my life to know sh*t stinks. I believe most have about had enough and are ready for the projectile diarrhea forthcoming. So much sh*t, no place to put it. Bears do it simple. They sh*t in the woods and nevermind those TV commercials, bears do not use toilet paper!

  2. Sounds like something I would and have said
    ( I’m sure some of my posts reflect that or even say it out right)
    NO! I will not comply
    And if they think the fear of my death will change my tune , they ain’t met me boot tip to boot tip yet

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