Gasping for Breath? Horrific Depopulation Plan

Crimes Against Humanity

Last Breath!

A shy rockfish has revealed a scheme by pathological murderers who are changing the pH of our planet and acidifying the oceans, which in turn influences your health by stealing the very air you breath.  Geo-engineering is the most common tool utilized in changing the earth’s pH, despite claims otherwise.  As you will soon see, the very name of the primary symptom caused from geo-engineering is, “too much smoke from above”.   These killers, and that is just what they are, would like you to believe that the average human is causing the global pH to change.  Using the $100 ‘anthropogenic’ word, they try to sway your understanding of their crimes against humanity, and to ‘buy-in’ the belief that you are the cause.  

Your Health and Earth’s Changing pH

Changing the acidity of the environment depresses your metabolic rate. Your metabolism is the mechanism that disperses energy and also saves it for use at another time through fat.   It may be that the sudden spike in obesity blamed on unhealthy life-style choices may in reality be caused by nefarious actors with a blatant depopulation agenda.

Hear that giant sucking sound?  That is the air you used to breathe

Fair Use: Wikipedia

Adjustments to the pH of the planet can also adversely affect your immune system response.  It can cause Hypercapnia or hypercapnea (from the Greek hyper = “above” or “too much” and kapnos = “smoke”), also known as hypercarbia, which is a condition of abnormally elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood.  It is thought that this is a contributing factor of ‘sudden death syndrome’ in infants.

In soil, changing the pH kills the beneficial soil organisms needed to produce healthy, nutrient-dense, foods.  It also interferes with calcium uptake which was our gardens primary challenge last year.  Changing calcium uptake in humans can prove lethal as calcium is involved in cellular transmission, bones, teeth and other vital organ functions of the body.

Shocking Footage!

Take a look at these two short You Tube videos of captive rockfish, before and after changing the pH of the water.


You Tube:  Rockfish Before pH Change



You Tube: Rockfish After pH Change

What can I do?

While it is impossible to change the acidification of the ocean, we can each do our part to minimize the pH changes being perpetrated against us. Each of us can grow our own nutrient-dense food instead of trusting corporate chemical company food.  It is possible to change your pH by what foods and drinks you consume. There are also new agricultural techniques such as permaculture that can add nutrition and value to your home garden, We can add beneficial organisms to the soil and take care to repair damages (yes, cleaning up others messes) by implementing agricultural techniques the way the Creator took care of the earth, in the beginning.

Reference:  Scripps Institute of Oceanography


16 thoughts on “Gasping for Breath? Horrific Depopulation Plan

  1. I can promise you based on experience they are thinking up every minute detail for their eugenics program. That includes anything especially the educational system. When you get to a certain point then it becomes a nasty game of who can screw who the best. Doesn’t matter how corrupt you are. Doesn’t matter how fraudulent you are. As long as you are one of the last ones standing. And of course if you are the person that believes in the American dream of working hard (ex. middle class) well hey there is our suckers. I just don’t know how this thing can keep going.

    1. exactly, after watching the video posted about china, made me sick, they want all of our jobs in china and all of us dead. They are killing us on so many fronts, it is almost to much to keep up with. They are dumbing everybody down through indoctrination and chemicals, they are killing us in the air, water and food. With Agenda 21, they don’t want us to be self sufficient.

      Well I got news for them, I will be self sufficient and I am counteracting their poison as best as I can with supplements.

  2. Once again based on experience it makes you not want to waste an ounce of energy on this country ever again. Which obviously is unheard of. There are guys and gals that sit on perches. They have developed a system that will grind you to the bone and when and if you finally make it close to them they will unleash their wrath. I mean these people are insane. They really are. I guess you have to be to lust for all that power. And they don’t care who they are screwing over as long as it is someone. I assume the illegals are brought in because they don’t have a clue. Just more lambs for the slaughter. How in the world we let this country get to this point is beyond me. I mean I was looking at a picture of that George Soros guy the other day. If that guy isn’t the poster child for a demon I don’t know who is. And what is amazing is we let this guy soak up all our resources. He is the example of the people that are destroying the great nation we once had and he will keep doing it as long as he can keep getting away with it. I don’t even know if the people in the military even realize what is going on behind the scenes. Of course they want to serve our country but who are you serving these days? I love to watch football, but put the television in the closet for a year or two and you might wake up to what the heck is really going on. These elites are going for it. I know they are. And if they succeed this country will be hell on earth. You will be part of a mind control slavery system that you won’t believe. And they gotten everything figured out. They do. No conspiracy stuff here. It is the truth.

  3. Amen, I could not of said that better myself!!! Don’t forget when they spray us like roaches which has been so in our face lately, they block the sunshine that lets us grow our own food. We were at the Farmer’s Market and I was talking to a local farmer. I was looking for Kale, he told me bluntly, I have some but it is not fit to sell, I need sunshine, and I have not seen the sun shine in quite a while.

    I do not understand how people can see these lines that criss cross in the sky, then spread out to a white haze, and totally block the sun, and not understand that they are spraying us. When I tell people look up, that is poison, they say you are nuts. I have decided to quit telling people, when they are starving to death, and when they have cancer, etc. and wonder why, I will be, well I told you and you did not listen.

    1. “I do not understand how people can see these lines that criss cross in the sky, then spread out to a white haze, and totally block the sun, and not understand that they are spraying us. When I tell people look up, that is poison, they say you are nuts.”

      I do the same thing, Missy when I’m talking to people at the parks in Dallas. It’s all sunny one minute with not a cloud in the sky and then ten minutes later after chem-trails are clearly criss-crossing through the sky, it becomes dark and the sun is blocked and they all wonder where the clouds came all of a sudden.

      After telling them they are spraying chem-trails and pointing to the sky, not ONE of them looks up and just shakes their head like I’m nuts or looks away with their eyes like their saying, “Great. Another crazy conspiracy theorist” or something. I mean JUST LOOK UP, for cryin’ out loud!!! Do you enjoy having tunnel vision? Tilt your damn head a little and look up! Does it hurt that much to look up at the sky for two damn seconds? Shit is coming out of planes that are flying across the sky and the trails are widening across the sky. It’s not rocket science!

      But that’s being brainwashed for ya. They REFUSE to believe any of it even if you tied them to a chair and duct tape their heads to the back of the head rest with their eyes taped open.

      1. I feel your pain!! I am like you are nuts for NOT seeing it! They (TPTB) tell everyone to just get along, it will all be fine, and damn the masses listen. It makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs, “LOOK THEY ARE KILLING YOU”, but why, to be labeled a nut? Well I already am!! If being awake labels me a nut, GOOD!! It really just hurts me, these people are human beings just like you and me, but so caught up in themselves, they can’t see the red light in front of them. Count yourself lucky, God woke you up, why?, well because He has a plan, we do not know it, but he does, and we just have to go with it, it is all written!!! It does get nerve racking, but I have to sit back and say hey, you are doing what any normal sane person would do if they KNEW danger was coming. Prepare for the worst, Pray for the best! But it is still so dang on frustrating. Wake up sheep!!!

        1. Had this conversation with my mother this morning. She said she doesn’t doubt me but just haaaas to look at the glass as half-full to stay positive and not be depressed. I asked her if everytime she and someone she loved were sprayed directly in the face with lethal and toxic chemicals everytime they walked outside their door, would you eventually accept it as murder/attempted murder and fight like hell to stop your attacker? If not, you should probably never resist an affront from anyone for any reason. Then she tried to use the “at least you and your children have your health” bit. Yeah. Anyways…://

        2. “Then she tried to use the “at least you and your children have your health” bit.”

          Yea, I truly hate it when people say that. Even my family gives me that line. That’s their way of saying, “Well there’s nothing you can do about it, so you might as well get used to it” bullshit.

        3. OK, I just have to say that I came back from being outside earlier taking a walk and it was 10:30 at night and when I looked up to see the moon on this clear night, I saw a chem-trail plane flying by it, leaving one hell of a streak of plume that you can see clearly from the moonlight. I mean these bastards never give up, do they? 10:30 at night? I mean, come on. Give it a F**king rest already and call it a day, but nope. They continue to spray the shit out of us here in Dallas even while we sleep. Unbelievable.

          1. NC, no they don’t stop, every day that passes it gets worse and worse. I have to say don’t these people realize they are spraying their people also?
            Martist said that their Mother does not think about it so they don’t get depressed, don’t get depressed, GET MAD. Anger will fuel the fire.

          2. Is that new there, NC? I’ve been seeing night time chemtrails for at least the last couple years here. Even have some shots of them drifting across the moon.

    2. First you have to get past their t.v. ‘programming’, Missy.

      And THAT’S a tough nut to crack.

      However, chemtrails are the one obvious aspect of the NWO’s agenda that I’ve had the most success with, insofar as convincing at least a few people of what they actually are.

  4. What I really don’t understand is this: do these criminal psychopaths really think none of this crap they are fostering on us will affect them? (Or do they have a cure for the planet once they’ve killed off all us little people? I know…I know…they are all transhumanists…)

    Don’t tell me all they have to do is move underground. Ask yourself this: if you were a member of the criminal psychopathic elites, would YOU want to spend the rest of your life underground?

    More predictive programming for the sci-fi crowd: watch the movie made in the late 50s or early 60s called “World Without End” where the elites live underground to avoid getting eaten by the deformed savage mutants.

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