Genetically Modified Babies Given Go Ahead By UK Ethics Body

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: First it was Dolly the sheep right, they cloned her. I am sure there were things in between since then, but what jumps out to me next is the three-parent baby, you remember that one…

Now science seeks to improve on God’s Creation by modifying our DNA to create a designer baby or baby with a few less defects.

Mankind will no doubt have some success in editing our DNA, but at what cost?

GMO crops have caused problems already, so where will this lead?

Let’s say for just a moment, that scientists are completely successful in their mission and there are no adverse side effects. I mean these babies pop out and they are ready to take on the world, they grow up to look like models and they are as smart as rocket scientists…

What kind of world would that look like?

Well, it would be like the movie Gattaca is what it would be like.

It would cause conflicts and problems that we cannot even imagine.

This world, this age of flesh was not intended to be perfect. As a matter of fact, due to it not being perfect it gives us hope, it gives us that oppertunity to really seek out something better, to get in touch with our spirital side and know and understand there is a God in Heaven and He has promised us Eternal Life on His terms, His conditions and this is not something we can ever create.

We have to do it His way my friends, His way. We cannot create our own Tower to Heaven like they tried to do so long ago, (Genesis 11).

The creation of babies whose DNA has been altered to give them what parents perceive to be the best chances in life has received a cautious green light in a landmark report from a leading UK ethics body.

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics said that changing the DNA of a human embryo could be “morally permissible” if it was in the future child’s interests and did not add to the kinds of inequalities that already divide society.

The report does not call for a change in UK law to permit genetically altered babies, but instead urges research into the safety and effectiveness of the approach, its societal impact, and a widespread debate of its implications.

“It is our view that genome editing is not morally unacceptable in itself,” said Karen Yeung, chair of the Nuffield working group and professor of law, ethics and informatics at the University of Birmingham. “There is no reason to rule it out in principle.”

Source: Genetically modified babies given go ahead by UK ethics body | Science | The Guardian

World Events and the Bible

4 thoughts on “Genetically Modified Babies Given Go Ahead By UK Ethics Body

  1. The UK ethics body is completely devoid of ethics.

    Half of the planet is screaming that the other half needs to die because mother Earth is too crowded, but that doesn’t stop the mad scientists club from adding Frankenstein babies into the equation, too.

    Who the hell needs these freak-babies? After hundreds of years of trying, you haven’t even come close to improving upon nature, but in your arrogance, are convinced you’ll do it this time, by unleashing laboratory-made lunatics into the population.

    These gene-experimenters need to be killed too, because they don’t know when to stop screwing with things they have no knowledge of. Someone should have reigned them in after they created the killer bees, but now they’re bent on screwing up the human race, too.

  2. This is great news…

    Because I hear they’re gonna genetically modify the males to have 14″ muslim penises.

    Now that’s what I call terrorism.

    Looks like we’ll have to pull out those old rusty chastity belts.

    We might have a new crusade going down.

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