Georgia is bullseye right on when it comes to the 2nd Amendment

The New Boston Tea Party

Subsequent to the December 14, 2013 massacre at Sandy Hook politicians of both parties, to be politically correct, stuffed anti gun legislation down the throat of law abiding citizens. Connecticut, Colorado, Maryland and New York, maniacal governors were trigger happy to pass legislation that usurped an individuals natural right to defend himself.

These political hacks have activated a counter insurgency faster than a speeding bullet. The latest being Georgia where a bill allowing the carrying of guns into bars, airports, places of worship and some government buildings is awaiting the signature of the Governor.  

What sets Georgia apart is the bill specifies it to be “the Safety Protection Act.” Click here for the Atlanta Journal Constitution story. A 21 GUN Salute is an appropriate toast for all AR-15 gun owners.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”

May a Piece be With You

One thought on “Georgia is bullseye right on when it comes to the 2nd Amendment

  1. I’m going to guess that the “new Boston tea party” is the latest incarnation of the Zionist false-opposition system, or they wouldn’t be promoting the Sandy Hoax myth.

    They may look like they’re trying to do the right thing now, but that’s necessary to gain supporters. When things get ugly, everyone under their influence will be led to slaughter.

    Either people are telling the truth, or they’re pushing the lies, and that’s how you know who’s who. If you know what the truth is, and how important it is, why would you waste your time with people who try to suppress it? The “New Boston Tea Party” is in the business of doing exactly that, as is evidenced by the first sentence of this article.

    “Better to have a known enemy than a pretended friend” — (I forgot who said that, but it wasn’t me)

    Off with their heads, and then we’ll have tea.

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