Geraldo Rivera on San Bernardino Shooting: ‘2nd Amendment Is Stupid’

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Following the news of the heinous attack on Inland Regional Services complex in San Bernardino, California, Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera tweeted that the “2nd Amendment is stupid” and asked Americans not to “rationalize” otherwise.

His exact tweet: “Mass shooting in San Bernadino California at a Center for the Developmentally Disabled WTF! The 2d Amendment is Stupid!!! Don’t rationalize.”  

It is interesting to note that Rivera was criticizing the 2nd Amendment as “stupid” long before the attack in San Bernardino took place. For example, after a firearms instructor was killed in an Arizona gun range accident involving a 9-year-old tourist on August 28, 2014, Rivera responded by describing the 2nd Amendment as “blind and stupid.”

On the day of the accidental death, he posted the following to Facebook:

Like I always say, the 2nd Amendment, the provision that gives every American the right to keep and bear arms, is blind and stupid. In its relentless pimping for the gun industry, the NRA has unleashed an avalanche of deadly weapons on this gun-crazy country. Just as protects access to weapons for cops and hunters, it also protects access to weapons for domestic abusers, mental patients, jerk-offs on the no-fly list, all-around dim bulbs, and now little children.

Basically, the 2nd Amendment is stupid whether we are talking about an intentional attack (San Bernardino) or an accidental death under supervised conditions (Arizona gun range).

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

8 thoughts on “Geraldo Rivera on San Bernardino Shooting: ‘2nd Amendment Is Stupid’

  1. No, Jewboy Rivera, YOU are stupid. If you don’t approve of the Second Amendment, you can f— right off to another country where such rights aren’t recognized.

    1. Bhahahahahaha!!!!!,

      Good one Hoppes!,.. I almost forgot about that!

      That vault was as empty as Rivera’s head, and decayed and abondoned as any trace of Rivera’s integrity!

      Geraldo Rivera: Another zionist-jew/boleshivk/socialist/communist mouthpiece that WILL hang for his sedition and treason.

      JD – US Marines – The only thing Geraldo is good for, is live target practice.


  2. And Geraldo is smart?

    Anyone who knows anything about history understands the importance of the second amendment. Geraldo only speaks to TV-brainwashed idiots.

  3. Rivera, the only thing you can do, and not even right, is marry women. Get out of our lives with your stupidity!

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