German prosecutors say ‘bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ fit for prison


BERLIN (Reuters) – A medical examination showed a 96-year-old German known as the “bookkeeper of Auschwitz” was fit to start serving his prison sentence, German prosecutors said on Wednesday, but his lawyer said a court should decide whether he was well enough.

Oskar Groening was sentenced to four years in prison in 2015 for his role in the murder of 300,000 people at the Nazi death camp Auschwitz in what was seen as one of the last major Holocaust trials.  

He has not yet begun serving his sentence because his lawyer appealed the verdict – though the Federal Supreme Court in November upheld the 2015 ruling – and it has since taken time for the files to be transferred back, said Kathrin Soefker, a spokeswoman for prosecutors in Hanover.

Prosecutors have rejected Groening’s request for a reprieve after a medical assessment determined he was fit for detention, she said.

“After getting an official medical opinion we assume Mr. Groening is able to go to prison,” Soefker said.

“A 96-year-old has physical constraints but if he can get appropriate medical and nursing care in a prison or correctional facility, he is fit for prison,” she added.

But Groening’s lawyer, Hans Holtermann, told Reuters he did not think Groening can survive imprisonment.

“We will apply for a decision to be made by the court,” Holtermann said.

“We think a sensible assessment (of Groening’s health) should have been carried out and that has not happened yet,” he said.

Groening, who is physically frail, has said he was an enthusiastic Nazi when he was sent to work at Auschwitz in 1942, at the age of 21.

In 2015 prosecutors argued that although Groening did not kill anyone himself while working at Auschwitz, in Nazi-occupied Poland, he helped support the regime responsible for mass murder by sorting bank notes seized from trainloads of arriving Jews.

Many Germans want to draw a line under the Holocaust and instead focus on the country’s post-war democratic identity.

Reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Maayan Lubell and Richard Balmforth

6 thoughts on “German prosecutors say ‘bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ fit for prison

  1. T’is just another example of the “synagogue of satan” joos, being hellbent upon kicking the crutches, out from under old / doddering soldiers whose loyalty….wasn’t kosher approved!!!

    May GOD DAMN the kennite / khazer lineage, forever!!!!!!

  2. The Scumbags can’t get past their own brainwashing.
    Is there any hope for Germany to ever come to the truth?
    I doubt it.
    I suppose they would tack on another 5 years if the guy told them Auschwitz
    was just a labor camp plagued with starvation and disease and had no gas chambers.
    Take a look at the books, they will prove it.
    Oh that’s right , you don’t want facts, never mind (Jew ass kissers.)
    I hope the guy lives to 115.

  3. All the above response are correct! Kudos to all!!! What will the people of the LIE do to keep the pity nd sheckles rolling now that it’s been 72 years since the war ended, yet there are more ‘survivors’ starving around the world begging for dollars than there were prisoners in the work camps.

    400,000 applied as survivors in 1916-50, now millions are still howling for blood and trying to finally succeed in killing off the German people through guilt using their greatest LIE of the ages, and they’ve lied millions and millions of times. King Darius of Persia had it carved in stone that they were the people of the LIE.

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