GlassSteagall Introduced in the Senate!

Published on May 17, 2013 by laroucheyouth

The U.S. Senate now has a companion Glass-Steagall bill! Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IO) introduced S. 985 on May 16th. Call your senators today, contact LaRouchePAC for further marching orders. Distribute and email the press release.

2 thoughts on “GlassSteagall Introduced in the Senate!

  1. Please, for the love of god would someone please wake up the world : the criminals that run our government, Wall St., etc. etc. will NEVER enact legislation on themselves that will now eliminate their millions, their power, their everything else. How many decades of corruption and zero positive results does it take to get it through to people. Oh, wait, I know – Rand Paul will save us, just like his father did!! Let’s give Rand a bit of time, perhaps 30 years (like his dad). Now, now, just be patient. A bit more of writing our congressmen and senators, some more protesting, some more bills introduced into the house and senate.

    For god’s sake: It’s over – anyone who thinks for even a second that the gang of 535 is going to be legislated, corralled, effectively protested is out of their minds. But yet, we get videos like the above over and over, all coming from a parallel universe where the pods who create them have had their memories of past events permanently deleted..

    Hey Ollie, who ya’ votin’ for next year?

  2. I agree with Constable. The bull bolted in 1999 when Clinton repealed Glass Steagall and it has been ravaging destruction ever since. But too late now as too much damage has been done. And if the horrific mess it has created is ever repaired and if our world leaders ever set us on a peaceful, prosperous and humane course, then what will prevent it from being unleashed upon us again. Lest we forget!

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