14 thoughts on “Good Morning Haifa, From the Trenches

  1. 1? down from 250,000? Those thieving dirty goose turd wearing asswipes……

    F@#k Google Henry, don’t use a damn thing Google concerning your broadcast. Are there any attorney’s on here that will help you sue the hell out of this garbage?

    1. No Mark, you are misunderstanding. This is just the agent in Haifa who was on our site this morning. We can single out any area.

  2. Maybe they meant “From the Trenches” is number 1 !! All of us on Trenches sure think so! Are you worried Haifa??? You should be!

  3. Plus, it could be someone using TOR which could say that they are in another country from where they really are.

  4. Ahhhhhh,…

    Thats so cute!,…

    Netanyahu is listening to us personally!!

    HI BENNI!!,… You f’n pyscho-path!,… GO F’k YOURSELF!!

    JD – US Marines – Just practicing good international relationships skills…..

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