3 thoughts on “Goodwill Samaritans Threatened With Arrest In Colorado

  1. Total control and total obedience is for sure what they are after,then the genocide will begin! And for those that choose to believe that it can’t happen here,you are insane and the kool aid has destroyed you ability to think!

  2. True.
    Remember when Canada had truck loads of fresh veggies for the tornado stricken people and the us held the trucks up and wouldn’t allow them to bring the food and other supplies to the people? I didn’t ever hear what happened there, if the trucks were finally allowed to bring the supplies before they spoiled or not.

    1. Yea RT, they probobly left those veggies rot and then they would blame it all on the red tape involved…….. Remember when they dumped all of that govt surplus cheese and rice into the ocean back – I think that that was back in the 70`s – instead of giving it to people that needed it, I think that it was the Red Cross or some organization like that. Yea I remember they did that instead of sending it over seas where it was intended to be delivered to to feed the starving people.

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