12 thoughts on “Grand Solar Minimum Cold Begins, Now Its Your Move

    1. wow! we have been in the 40s in the mornings but warms up to high 70s and low 80s during the day….we are supposed to go to 32 Tuesday night…. lots still left in the fields

    2. A few days last week I was wishing it would snow. 80 degrees & humidity were the overnight lows. Some places only warm up to 80 for a daytime high. I’m just griping, there’s a lot worse places to live and really bake.

  1. 36 Wednesday night-Thursday morning…and we’re talking latitude of 30 degrees here!

    Grand solar minimum combined with La Nina…in other words, severe drought into next year, and maybe another “big freeze” like 2011.

  2. This may not sound bad yet it’s very early for this time of year. We know why though.
    Thursday 74 day time high, 56 overnight temp. Wednesday & Thursday we’ll sleep in silence because the window unit A/C will be off. We may actually need to throw another blanket on the bed.

          1. Nothing like a bit of mandatory motivation. Kinda like when having guests over; the nitty gritty dirt gets gone. Happens about once a year so the place gets a good/deep cleaning.

  3. “Grand Solar Minimum” or Weaponized Weather? When in 1995 the military said they would have mastery over the weather by 2025 wasn’t it obvious they already had those abilities? I mean the tech they have is at least 30 years ahead of what we see in our everyday lives. Nature can pack a punch f’sure but are we sure what we’re seeing is a natural event? The timing all seems a little too impeccable!

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