Gun Owners Score Big in the Senate

Free North Carolina – by Gun Owners of America

Sell-out amendment falls three votes short of Schumer’s goal of 70

Sometimes victory is relative.  But that doesn’t make it any less definitive.

Monday, beginning at 5:30 pm (EST), only 67 Senators — three short of Chuck Schumer’s 70-vote target — voted to shut off debate on the anti-gun Hoeven-Corker-Leahy amnesty amendment. It is noteworthy that only 15 Republicans voted for cloture (to end debate), while an overwhelming majority of GOP Senators voted against it (that is, most Republicans wanted to keep the filibuster in place).    

The Chuck Schumers of the world did everything in their power to get the 70-vote threshold which they had predicted — and which became a floor for the number of votes necessary in order for anti-gunners to avoid embarrassment.

They gave Nevada Senators an unending open-ended sky’s-the-limit program to tout tourism in Las Vegas.

They gave Vermont Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders $1.5 billion in social spending in order to buy his vote.

And so it went.  One Senator after another after another secured irrelevant buy-out amendments as the price for selling out. It was ObamaCare 2.0.

But that wasn’t enough.

By falling short of their 70-vote goal, Schumer & Co. in effect admitted that the bill would limp out of the Senate without any momentum going into the House.  Coupled with our successful efforts to revitalize the Hastert Rule in the House, anti-gun immigration reform is on track to being dead for the year because House Speaker Boehner has said he will not pass it with largely Democratic support.

Does that mean we can declare victory and go home?  No.  As usual, you don’t pop the cork until they bang the gavel. You keep fighting.

And to that end, gun owners should express their dissatisfaction with Senators who voted for the amendment.  You can go here to see how your Senators voted.

As sweet as the 67-27 vote was, it means that our job is not over.

Schumer was unable to break through his 70-vote target because he was so intent upon slamming this bill down our throats that he scheduled his vote when many of his supporters could not make it. If we REALLY want to continue raining on Schumer’s parade, we’re going to have to repeat our achievement on Wednesday, when the Senate votes on cloture on the substitute which contains the sell-out provisions — and on cloture on the whole bill itself.

This means we need to flip a couple of votes, and Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Roger Wicker (R-MS) — both of whom both voted for the sell-out — are the most obvious potential pick-ups.

ACTIONPlease click here to contact your Senators and thank those who voted correctly (that is, who voted NAY) on the Hoeven amendment.  But reprimand those who voted wrong (by voting YEA).  Please note that the system will automatically select the correct letter for each of your Senators.

And if you have time to phone in your message, that would be helpful, as well.  The Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

4 thoughts on “Gun Owners Score Big in the Senate

  1. Chuck Schumer can suck a Chuck Schumer… Damn dual-citizens, trying to override American laws and rights. Not all jews are bad, but if they take the Torah and its Rabbianical interpretation (Babylonian Talmud) as applicable to modern times, then that means they actively work against all people. This mentality is what gives birth to such evil creatures as Zionism and Bolshevik Communism.
    Most abhorrent are the mindless “Christians” who support Israel. If you don’t understand this, please re-read the opening of this comment. Wake up idiot Christians! The Jews believe their God is exclusive to them, meaning their God is not yours. Is this sinking in? It is really, really simple…

  2. Good luck changing Orrin Hatches position. Hatch will only vote as the Mormon church would have him vote (in my opinion). that would be pro immigration amnesty, and anti second amendment. He values gaining the confidence of the “Laminite” (a Mormon term for natives of the Americas) more than his constituency and he values amnesty more than the constitution! The Mormon Church lobbying and pressures on these two issues at the Utah legislature would verify this to me and any willing to research the issue.
    Mike Lee will change his vote to nay from absent as soon as he returns from Utah, where he went to see two sons off on missions for the Mormon Church, that is why he was absent.

    1. What do you expect from a church that was started by a 32nd degree Mason. (Joseph Smith).

      Jehovahs Witnesses was started by a 33rd degree Mason – Charles Taze Russell.

      If you want to know what kind of a bogus religion you’re dealing with, look to the founder.

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