48 thoughts on “Happy New Year From the Trenches!

    1. Reminds me of when I was younger and step dad fired his 30-30 on New Years, in the air, in the city, and in the back yard. I’ve looked back on this many times and realized it was extremely retarded.

      1. Yes, I watched a friend of mine do that from his rooftop (in densely-populated Brooklyn) with a shotgun. I thought nothing of it at the time, but looking back, it was retarded.

        I spent another New Year’s eve on a rooftop in Hell’s Kitchen, about a half-mile away from where that stupid ball drops, and you wouldn’t even have heard a gun shot for the noise of that crowd.

        1. I’m not sure shotgun pellets would hurt anyone when they fell back to earth. I wouldn’t want to find out, though.

          Bullets are another matter, especially the heavier ones.

          1. No — they were slugs. Hitting a person is still a long shot when you consider all the empty space it could fall into, but I’ll bet he gave someone a leaky roof. (that’s probably a 20 – 30% probability)

  1. Happy New year, everyone. Don’t drink too much, and get home safe.

    Now for my hangover cure: BEFORE going to bed, eat one slice of bread, drink one glass of milk, and take two aspirins…..OR… you can just wake up tomorrow and start drinking again.

    This is the one night that I refuse to venture outside, because there are too many otherwise sane people out there who only drink once per year, and don’t handle the effects of alcohol very well. The hard-core drunks call this “amateur night” for that reason. Lotta lunatics out there. Be careful. Stay off the road.

    1. My remedy used to be pop 2 aspirin and drink a huge glass of water, then fall on the bed and sleep, mostly woke up felling pretty human.

      Also, wisdom of yrs. says stay off the road tonight unless your on some back woods roads and go about 5 miles an hour, and of course the ones that don’t have donut eating cops just hangin out waitin.

      I guess I need to research what all those NY’rs do when that ball falls. Surely there must be other festivities other than getting out in freezing temps. to watch the ball. Kinda always wondered what the “fun” of it was.

      Seen it on t.v., but not sure about anything else.
      Research time.

    2. I prefer to just start drinking again .
      That’s after I get done throwing up.
      Usually I’m so ripped I can’t find the bread.
      I’d probably just end up eating my shoe and try to wash it down with my pee bottle.

      Its celebration.
      Enjoy yourselves.
      I’m Rick James…b! Tch.

      1. flee, Happy New Year.

        “I’d probably just end up eating my shoe and try to wash it down with my pee bottle.” Too funny!

        Don’t pass out in the snow, that is if you’ve got it like you had last year.

        1. Well…Katie…..
          All I can say is thank you.
          So I have to say this.
          I have to give a shout out to the ladies.
          I have to say…
          You have bigger balls then most of the men I’ve met in my lifetime.
          God Bless your furry hearts.
          We couldn’t do this without you…!
          Happy New Year….!!!!!!

          1. Thanks for the compliments, and there’s no way we could do this without our great, strong guys either. I’m not one of the femi nazis who want to imprison all our men and let em’ out on occasion. These women are gonna beg for a strong guy when this goes down.

    1. Happy New Year, RT Hawk.

      I have to give credit where it’s due and that’s to Henry Shivley for teaching me the law, otherwise I’d probably be a good ol’ gal.

      1. Happy New Year Katie!
        Have heard you speaking with Henry on “The Word,” (Listen as much as I can) nice to meet you! My pleasure! 🙂
        I can’t get on as much as I used to be able to, but do when I can! Miss all ya’ll!
        Happy! New! Year!!!!!!!! <3

    1. Eddy, your talking to American Nationals here that have a right to keep and bear those arms against a tyrannical govt. known as an enemy force in occupation.
      If you are an ex patriate don’t come back here, and if you are a native Netherlander stay there.

      1. Hi Katie,
        Yes indeed,I’m a native dutch man.
        In the Netherlands there is a law that forbids to keep and bear metals with powder in a free open street society.
        To resist a corrupt government, clever patriots use other tools.
        I wish all you native Americans wisdom but most of all, enough love to stand together against your Israël AIPAC zio-occupators.
        Hold on to your first amendment.
        Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

        Ofcourse the constitution of my country is different than yours.
        If you are curious let me show you our constitution

        1. Does your country also forbid you to say “gun” as you use the word “metals?”
          You quoted our 1st article to our Bill of Rights. Buddy, we are way past petitioning as we have NO govt. to petition.

          1. I notice no mention of the 2nd amendment concerning our right to keep and bear arms. Take this, Eddy! Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, , gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, and gun to infinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            F’N Eurotrash!!!!! If it’s “a free and open society”, where are the guns?

          2. Millard,you call me euro trash?
            The euro is my currency.
            If you call me trash,is it right for me to call you dollar trash?
            How did you pay for your stupid gun?
            You should have bought food with your dollars.
            You can’t eat your gun,or can you?
            Can you here me? Can you eat your gun? Answer me.
            There’s a new kid in town Millard.

        2. I live in the freest state for gun ownership on the planet in the great state of Arizona. I’m only a few hours north of Mexico and 6 hours or so east of Los Angela’s/San Diego and 8 hours south of Los Vegas.
          With all the illegal aliens, drug trafficking and money moving on the highways here it should be a war zone, in reality its actually very peaceful.
          This peace is maintained by constitutional carry, which means anyone who can buy a handgun can carry it open or concealed without needing a permit.
          We are our own keepers of the peace, bottom line unless your in a secure building with locked doors, alarms and metal detectors, its safe to assume someone in the immediate area is armed, in the domestic setting like a home invasion its safe to assume the home owner’s are heavily armed. This omnipresent reality tends to reduce crime, just watch the video below.

        3. We here at From the Trenches World Report are not terrorists. We seek peaceful resolution in every instance. To say that the possibility of violence does not exist in the reinstitution of the Republic and the Constitution would be naive. To protect this site we must request that all commenters refrain from openly calling for violence. We all know what is going on and we can progress without cutting off our nose to spite our face. Any comments coming in to this site advocating shooting people or terrorist acts will be edited or removed.
          We have NO govt. to petition ???
          Maybe you are not that smart?
          About We the People

          1. “Any comments coming in to this site advocating shooting people or terrorist acts will be edited or removed.”
            By who Eddy?

          2. Hey new kid in town, yes, go hand in your evil gun, I’ll keep mine. “Maybe your not that smart.” At least I’ll have food on the table.

            Any man who leaves his family and himself defenseless is irresponsible.

            So you go hand in your guns and hope everything come out “peaches and cream”. Oh, that’s right, your not responsible enough to own guns.

          3. Millard,I don’t own a gun.
            I own a big diesel truck that’s waiting for me to start it up tomorrow.
            That’s my job that gives my weekly paycheck.
            I got food on my table for sure,don’t worry.
            I can handle lot’s of type of guns from my military experience.
            But I can’t see the point, guns make a better world.
            That’s why I left the militairy long ago and joined humanity.



        4. Was just listening to one of your Dutch bro. last night, Willem Felderhof, good info., but then he lays down this crap about changing ourselves from within and this will change the bs. going on. Just another guy who can communicate the problems, but has only lame answers to solve things.
          So if solutions like Willem Felderhof speaks of,” change yourself, and the bad guys will stop” are your “clever patriot tools” you are just another fool, taking advice from a new age moron. See ya!!

        5. I suggest Eddy.
          That you do a HARD FAST study on your neighbor FINLAND during SOVIET INVASION WW2.
          This may or may not help loosen your head from where it is stuck.
          Pure indoctrination! Pure complacency!


  3. Any comments coming in to this site advocating shooting people or terrorist acts will be edited or removed.”
    By who?
    I would say the people who own this blog and wrote this quotes themselves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. We showed you a courtesy in allowing you on our comments page. As you are from another country, we thought you ignorant and open to education.
      Our bad. You are just plain stupid and evidently content to live a life as subservant. You are not the new kid in town, you’re just another rock on the road to be kicked aside and dismissed as you are irrelevant. I guess never having had rights and been free, you wouldn’t miss it. Freedom is acquired and maintained at the barrel of a gun. As long as there are free men who will pull that trigger, we don’t have to acquiesce to the lessor life you embrace.
      To announce our intent to make justified war against a foreign occupation is not terrorism, it is patriotism with the potential.

      1. “You are not the new kid in town, you’re just another rock on the road to be kicked aside and dismissed as you are irrelevant.”
        “To announce our intent to make justified war against a foreign occupation is not terrorism, it is patriotism with the potential.”

        Right on, Henry!! 😀

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