Heir to Dupont fortune rapes three year old daughter gets probation

Published on Apr 1, 2014 by JmanPrepper Redux

Read more below: ~ Robert Richards IV, the heir to the Dupont Chemical fortune, was convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faces probation after a state Superior Court judge ruled he “will not fare well” in prison.

In her decision, Judge Jan Jurden suggested Robert H. Richards IV would benefit more from treatment. Richards, who was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009, is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. The light sentence has only became public as the result of a subsequent lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, which charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently assaulted his son as well.

Richards is the great grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee Du Pont, a chemical baron.

Read the full article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03…

I edited video from RT America titled Mega-rich rapist spared jail time. Portions of this video had been removed to focus solely on Robert H. Richards IV ~ jman

The complete video can be watched here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pScKh…

5 thoughts on “Heir to Dupont fortune rapes three year old daughter gets probation

  1. Unbelievable. Another case of “affluenza”.

    Didn’t one of these DuPont freaks shoot someone with a deer rifle and get away with it too?

    We’re going to have to find out if anyone in the DuPont family deserves to keep their head, but I doubt it.

    But instead of just killing them all, we should also consider slavery as a punishment after the dust settles. There’s a lot of work to do here, and I’ll beat that freak with a stick until it’s done.

  2. PIG! Anyone touches my daughter or granddaughter like this and they will be ball-less and their penis will be super glued to their belly!!! Just try it!!
    . . .

  3. Actually,am amazed the ex wife and mother of child has not taken him out,there unfortunately is more to this story as he also I have read anyhow admitted to molesting his son.I hope the kids get the help they need and thus help break this cycle of insanity.

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