Help save some Freedom history

((B-24 BOMBERSKnuckledraggin – by Wirecutter

I don’t really know who else to go to but Patriots and others of the III percent vibe, my reach isn’t as large as yours, but a fading part of our warrior history is at risk, the town I live in, Ypsilanti, MI is the home to the B-24 Liberator, built by Henry Ford at a local plant, the city, and various other people are pledging time to save a portion of the factory (since vacated by GM) to save where Rosie the Riveter was born and where Freedom flew from here to points beyond after assembling one plane an hour. Can you pass/post the link amongst our friends in the community, we’re running about 3 mil shy of the 8 mil we need to raise to save the building for a museum.  

It can be found at

Coincidentally, my father was one of the founding donors and volunteers when the Yankee Air Museum was opened in the mid 70s..

Any help would be appreciated, I’ve put in a few bucks here and there when I can, I know money is tight, but if we could save one portion of the arsenal of democracy for future generations I’d be forever grateful.

Keep your powder dry, and yer head on a swivel in Kommiefornia, my friend.


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