Hillary Clinton: Gun Law are too Lenient, Must be ‘Reined In’

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

During a May 6th speech at a National Council for Behavioral Health conference, while making the case that gun laws are far too lenient and need to be “reined in,” Hillary Clinton asserted, “We’re way out of balance” on guns.

According to the National Journal, “Clinton said she supports Second Amendment rights, [but] she added that there needs to be a proper trade-off between safety and freedom.”  

Clinton stated that the idea “that almost anyone can have a gun anywhere at any time” has “become almost an article of faith.” She went on to say that this does not serve to the betterment of most people.

Furthermore, Clinton reportedly criticized laws similar to Georgia’s new Safe Carry Protection Act, which expands concealed carry into churches, certain government buildings, schools, and unsecured portions of airports. She believes expanding the places where law-abiding citizens can carry guns will only lead to “more deadly violence that could otherwise be avoided.”

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.


12 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton: Gun Law are too Lenient, Must be ‘Reined In’

  1. Sorry, Hillary, but most of the country thinks that lying, tyrannical, crypto-Jews like yourself need to be reigned in, and we’re going to need our guns to do that, so guess again, you cheap, bull-dyke slut.

  2. To say the American public is FAR too lenient with these demented psychopaths in what we call our government is a whopping understatement. We need a tooth for tooth, drop of blood for drop of blood type of accounting. The idea of not having anyone except native born Americans working in our government should be pursued at all levels. She talks like an Israeli, she acts like one, she looks like one, and without doubt smells like one.I personally believe she is one.

    1. She’s already admitted to being ‘jewish’ (so-called).

      She has stated her grandmother was. (again, so-called)

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