Hong Kong brought to a standstill as city-wide strikes and protests hit

The Guardian

Hong Kong’s embattled leader, Carrie Lam, has warned that mass protests have pushed the region to the brink of a “very dangerous situation” as residents went on strike, paralysing the city.

Lam, who had disappeared from public view for two weeks, gave a media briefing in which she condemned the protests for damaging Hong Kong’s economy and stability. 

“Such extensive disruptions in the name of certain demands or uncooperative movement have seriously undermined Hong Kong law and order and are pushing our city, the city we all love, and many of us helped to build, to the verge of a very dangerous situation,” she said.

On Monday, transport across Hong Kong was brought to a standstill and more than 150 flights out of the city were cancelled. Almost 100 outbound and 100 inbound flights were cancelled. Protesters also blocked key roads and stopped trains throughout the city.

As the city enters its ninth consecutive week of mass protests, tensions have escalated. Protesters clashed with police who fired tear gas to disperse them. Others reportedly fought with local residents.

In Yuen Long, the site of a violent attack on commuters on 21 July, a car rammed through a barricade set up by protesters, narrowly missing people trying to hold back the barrier, and injuring one person.

Witnesses said a driver was stopped at a roadblock set by protesters near the Yoho Mall in Yuen Long. After an argument with protesters, the driver got back in his car and protesters tried to push against the vehicle to prevent him from leaving.

“The driver ignored them and continued to accelerate,” said Derek Man, who was on the road at the time, with the protesters. “The tyres emitted a lot of white smoke. The vehicle broke through the barrier and knocked down one person and then he left the scene.”

Read the rest here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/05/hong-kong-brought-to-a-standstill-as-city-wide-strikes-and-protests-hit

One thought on “Hong Kong brought to a standstill as city-wide strikes and protests hit

  1. “On Monday, transport across Hong Kong was brought to a standstill and more than 150 flights out of the city were cancelled. Almost 100 outbound and 100 inbound flights were cancelled. Protesters also blocked key roads and stopped trains throughout the city.”

    The same could be done here.

    We have WAY more people to accomplish it with.

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