House Passes $95B Foreign Aid Giveaway to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, Combined With TikTok Ban

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The House under Speaker Mike Johnson on Saturday passed a $95 billion giveaway to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan combined with a ban on TikTok for allowing criticism of Israel to go viral.

The REPO Act to steal frozen Russian assets and give them to Ukraine was also included in the mega-bill.

Despite previous promises to tie Ukraine funding to securing America’s southern border, zero funds were included for US border security.

This is a truly monumental, historic swindle foisted on the public by “MAGA Mike Johnson,” the GOP and the Israel Lobby with Donald Trump not only doing nothing to stop it but openly and publicly signaling his support for Johnson.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was absolutely giddy over the GOP deciding to give Israel over $26 billion in aid from struggling US taxpayers instead of the $14 billion Biden previously asked for.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was similarly thrilled to get nearly $61 billion:

Democrats could be seen waving Ukrainian flags on the House floor after the vote:



The Israel Lobby celebrated while Americans mourned:





“The swamp tasked Mike Johnson with three betrayals of America,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) said on Twitter. “1) pass an omnibus that spends more than Pelosi’s omnibus. 2) reauthorize domestic spying without warrants. 3) send $100 billion to wars around the world.”

He’s now done all three.

Michael Tracey shared a ton of videos of our sold-out Congress congratulating themselves for defeating Hitler by passing this giant swindle for Americans.









As I previously reported, the TikTok ban — which members of Congress said specifically was revived not to fight China but to silence criticism of Israel — gives the president blanket authority to ban not only TikTok but also other apps like Telegram which allow Americans to exercise the free speech rights they’re denied by Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Twitter.

The Wall Street Journal reported in March that a group of Zionist investors led by former Activision CEO Bobby Kotick and OpenAI’s Sam Altman are scheming to buy TikTok once the sale is forced. CNBC also reported in March that former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, another diehard Zionist, is also organizing a team of investors to buy the site.

Every single value Conservatives have claimed to represent, from free speech to free enterprise and free markets, has been thrown out the window to advance the interests of Israel and support their genocidal ethnic cleansing campaign against the Palestinians.

2 thoughts on “House Passes $95B Foreign Aid Giveaway to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, Combined With TikTok Ban

  1. “The Wall Street Journal reported in March that a group of Zionist investors led by former Activision CEO Bobby Kotick and OpenAI’s Sam Altman are scheming to buy TikTok once the sale is forced.”

    The f#$king Zionists want their control over all communications to get rid of our free speech. This is outright war!

    Mike Johnson, the Zionist planted puppet, needs to be dropped out of a plane without a parachute over the occupied country of Palestine. I’m so sick of that arrogant, cocky piece of sh*t!

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