House Passes Anti-Bigotry Resolution After Anti-Semitism Push Splits Party

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update2: Following days of infighting over the rebuke of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for criticizing pro-Israel politicians, the House overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan resolution on Thursday to condemn all forms of bigotry.

The final vote tally was 407-23-1. 

The bill – crafted shortly after Omar’s second such remark in recent weeks, was originally aimed at anti-Semitism. It began to face pushback after several prominent progressives threw their support behind the freshman Rep. from Somalia.

On Wednesday, three Democratic presidential candidates stood behind Omar; Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

“Anti-Semitism is a hateful and dangerous ideology which must be vigorously opposed in the United States and around the world, said Sanders – adding “We must not, however, equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel.

Harris said that she was “concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk.”

And Warren said on Wednesday, “Branding criticism of Israel as automatically anti-Semitic has a chilling effect on our public discourse.”

Meanwhile, Democrats were sharply divided during a Wednesday night closed-door showdown between Pelosi and her anti-Semitism version of the bill, and progressive Democrats – particularly members of the Congressional Black Caucus. As a result, a revamped version of the bill now includes Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, and several other minority groups.

We wonder if it covers cultural appropriation, of say, Native American heritage in order to advance one’s career?

In any event, it appears Rep. Omar won the day. Perhaps that’s why David Duke mysteriously came out in support of her? He also came out for 2020 Democratic contender Tulsi Gabbard just one month ago, right as she was slamming “neocon” and “neolib” war mongers amid a smear campaign by Democratic operatives to paint her as a Kremlin stooge.


Update: The latest version of the resolution condemns bigotry and hatred – invoking Martin Luther King Jr., while knocking “white supremacists” – such as those at Charlottesville. The measure somehow fails to include raging anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, who refers to Jews at “termites” and is frequently pictured with Democrats.

Read the rest here:

One thought on “House Passes Anti-Bigotry Resolution After Anti-Semitism Push Splits Party

  1. “The bill – crafted shortly after Omar’s second such remark in recent weeks, was originally aimed at anti-Semitism.”

    Again… why shoot for bronze when you can go for the gold.

    “Harris said that she was “concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk.”

    F%&k you AND the horse you rode in on, you commie traitor.

    She’s no more ‘at risk’ than you are – she was put there for THIS SPECIFIC PURPOSE, B#TCH!!!

    “In any event, it appears Rep. Omar won the day.”

    No, the stinking jews have ‘won the day’.

    “Perhaps that’s why David Duke mysteriously came out in support of her?”

    Really not a plus, imo.

    At least that POS Bernie called a spade a spade….

    “We must not, however, equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel.”


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