How things look off the coast of Syria

Medi fleet standoff

Free North Carolina 

While the leaders of the two superpowers are shaking hands for the camera in St. Petersburg, their Navies are sending a different message. Here is the latest  breakdown of the world’s key Navies in the Mediterranean theater of Naval operations as of last night.  There are also reports the Chinese have joined the fray on the Russian side.

3 thoughts on “How things look off the coast of Syria

  1. gee hope that 1 frigate didnt set france back too much. I guess only having one frigate makes it easier to surrender.

    1. Hahaha! I know. I was just thinking the same thing.

      Only ONE France ship, ONE British sub and ONE British Airforce group. The rest are all the U.S. That’s just like Britain and France. Let the U.S. or someone else do their dirty work for them. They’ve been doing that since the beginning of the first World War. You’d think the U.S. would have learned by now. Unfortunately, the criminal government’s ego and pride will be their downfall.

  2. Frigate…..right.
    The French were in south vietnam before I was,involuntarily shipped there in 1969.. but of course were long gone before the us arrived.
    They don’t make any sense do they!

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