Impeach Obama

What They Don’t Tell You – by Jody Paulson

I admit I’ve avoided saying this for the past few years (it’s been well past time) but for some reason I always want to give the guy a flipping chance that he simply doesn’t deserve. Why? I don’t know, maybe because I figured the alternative was even worse. But now I’m not so sure.  

Believe it or not, Cindy Sheehan was one of the first people to have sussed this guy’s catastrophic effect on the Peace and Progressive movements. At the time I was fairly close to Cindy, working at her congressional campaign office nearly every day (this was in late 2008, when she was running against Nancy Pelosi and Obama was running for his first term). Everyone was ecstatic over the idea of Obama breaking the color barrier, it was all “hope and change” for progressive minded people, but Cindy wasn’t having any of it. She saw how quickly her former friends shut their mouths about peace and real change to fall in line with Obama’s “hopey-changey” bullshit. Obama’s election was the death knell for the peace movement and she knew it.

This man is a not only a liar, he is a traitor to the Constitution that he purports to be such an expert about. I don’t know what the alternative should be but this administration is criminal and it ought to be removed. There, I said it. Whatcha gonna do about it, Obama? You can’t shoot us *all*, you can’t imprison us *all* … and the truth will never die.

[To be fair, another perspective is that Obama is being pressured to attack Syria and he’s not complying, which is why all the Big Brother outrage is coming out *now*. I think we need to hold a constitutional convention or something. The entire federal government, all three branches, are corrupt to the core.]

8 thoughts on “Impeach Obama

  1. Sigh. Yes, this info on wiretapping (and all the other scandals) seems to be coming out at a precise time…to pressure Obama to attack Syria, which will lead inevitably to attacking Iran.

    Anyway, impeaching Obama is the wrong thing to do – because he’s not really president. How can someone be President who cannot even provide a valid id or pass the most basic of background checks? He must be arrested, tried for treason, and, if convicted, put to death. All his EOs and signatures on legislation will therefore be null and void. And all those who failed to vet him and abetted his rise to power shall be held responsible.

    A mere impeachment does nothing, Jody. He could resign and scuttle away, like Nixon, leaving his successor in place to carry out their masters’ wishes (and pardon Obama). I’m sick of having to explain this info over and over again. You know better, Jody.

    1. Hey ., with the Russians gettin’ all their “ducks in a row” in the Mideast, fireworks very well could start before July 4th. Obama is desperate which makes the situation more dangerous. He needs a distraction to take his scandals off the headlines. WWIII would do the job.

  2. God forbid that odumbo is impeached……we would then be stuff with the biggest , brainless dimwit of all time….the mouth piece without a brain. We jut need to get this duo out of our County and out of any office forever.

  3. As a first step, I would recommend the following:

    A National Constitutional Convention – designed to re-invigorate the original founding concepts, rights and status of American Citizens, while amending The Constitution for a 21st century America and its social realities. Additionally, the NCC will be empowered to impeach every member of the standing US Government, and will remove them from office. And by Impeach and Remove, I mean all of them. Every standing member of Congress, The Senate, The President and Vice President, and especially the Supreme Court which voted to allow and approve kidnapping and torture. All of them, gone.

    National Grand Jury – impaneled for whatever period of time is necessary to investigate and prosecute all members of government known to have violated their oaths of office, as well as committing treason, larceny and murder on an international scale, with no statute of limitations. NGJ-Citizen Investigators should be required to open up all of the American Government Archives across our entire history, and we as a people should be told the truth with regard to historic criminal activities.

    Additionally, the NGJ will be empowered to dismantle (through force if necessary) the CIA, the FBI, all “Continuity of Government” plans, operations and operatives, including the US Department of Justice, the EPA, The DoD and every other liberty-sucking parasite that still exists within our compromised government. (These entities can all be reconstructed at a later date, under more limited and ethical standards, if necessary)

    Freeze & Seize Financial Assets- Freeze and seize all financial assets of any member of government for the last forty years. All of them…seize all of their assets, and create a legal process or method for the “innocent” to get their assets returned to them (perhaps with interest). However, for the vast majority of traitorous souls who have been abusing their positions and the citizens for well over forty years…make them prove that the fortune is legally, ethically theirs; make them prove it didn’t come from decades of corrupt acts. Make them show that their ill-gotten millions in self-worth did not come from abusing their oaths or position.

    If not, just like we ordinary citizens who have tolerated our cars being impounded, our property seized and the other elements of the current two-tiered justice system, let the thieves and killers of the last forty years fight to stay out of prison, the death-chamber, or the poor house… just like the rest of us.


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

    1. There has never been anything wrong with the original Constitution for the United States. It does not need to be adjusted for modern times as it, in its basic essence, covers every imaginable situation. The Constitution did not fail, we the people failed to protect it. We allowed it to be altered (amended) to mean the exact opposite of its original intent. All we need to do is restore to the original Constitution, free of the 14th and 16th Amendments and every other infringement that affects the people’s rights in the smallest degree.

      1. ….I would want the Constitutional Convention for the purpose of managing the impeachment and dissolution…the follow-on charge, trial, conviction and execution of the corrupt Congress, Judiciary and Executive Branches… however…I agree that the original document should be sufficient…if we had men with the intent to honor the document as originally written…without the manipulation of technology….so if the document needs to be ammended…it should be to specify the rights more clearly..and to take these specious arguments away from the tyrants….but I get your point..there should be no need to adjust the original document, as long as everyone brings integrity to the leadership role….ha!


        RJ O’Guillory
        Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

  4. …I have one point to add to my suggestions…a new National Monument at Ground Zero 911…The National Gallows for American Values….and when we begin to get treason convictions on people like Bill & Hillary…BO and his tax-spending vacationing wife….all of them….I suggest we pass laws finding their family and extended family guilty of generational treason..and after we confiscate all of their wealth..any family member that benefitted from the official corruption….find them all guilty of generational treason..and hang them all together…..Chelsea….The Bush Kids…..Jeb Bush….all of his family….cut off their generational treason and make it so that none of their clan can ever take power again…..convict them..and hang them by chain…so they choke slowly to death….and hold a lottery for “we the people” to win chances to go up on the Gallows and pour oil-laced gasoline over people like a convicted Bill & Hillary….lite them on fire in the last moments of their pathetic, corrupt lives…let them know what Liberty really feels like…..then we can start on the corrupt government officials..the judges, the police chiefs who have violated their oaths….hang all of them after conviction….burn them….


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

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