In Israel Vaccinations And Covid Are Both Spiking Higher

Video Rebel’s Blog

Gilad Atzmon is an anti-Zionist Israeli musician who lives in London. He is despised by the Jewish leadership. He has written articles about the coronavirus vaccination program in Israel which has resulted in a rapid increase in covid cases and deaths in Israel except amongst the Israeli Arabs who have avoided the vaccine. I will quote briefly from two of his articles:

Since Israel launched its vast vaccination campaign in December, it has been witnessing an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths. By now, the British Mutant has become Israel’s dominant COVID strain. Israel’s health system is on the brink of collapse.

In my article Guinea Pigs United I pointed out that the rise in cases and deaths correlates with the distribution of vaccines. In Israel, the Orthodox Jewish communities that were vaccinated en masse saw COVID cases rise 16-fold, while Israeli Arabs who at large refrained from vaccination saw numbers of COVID cases dropping sharply.

A quick internet check revealed that Portugal started its mass vaccination campaign on 27 December. Until that date the numbers of COVID cases per day were in clear decline. Yet, 3 days after the mass vaccination campaign started the numbers of cases started to grow exponentially. Portugal’s health system is now on the verge of collapse.

On December 8, Britain was the first Western country to start “immunising its population.” Two weeks later, just a few days before Christmas, Britain grasped that it was in serious trouble. Covid-19, the virus that was supposed to disappear from our lives, mutated into something else. On December 19, PM Boris Johnson admitted that British scientists had identified a new Covid-19 mutant that is ‘70% more transmissible’ than its ancestors. Britain introduced tighter local restrictions, yet despite these, along with the vast vaccination campaign, the numbers of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths kept rising. They are escalating exponentially on a daily basis.

Israel launched its mass vaccination campaign a few days after Britain. Within the next two weeks, Israel managed to vaccinate nearly 20% of its population. Jewish citizens from all over Israel travel to Arab villages and cities to receive the vaccines that were designated to Arabs. According to a duty manager of a vaccination centre in Nazareth, 70-80% of the those who come to receive the vaccine were Jewish. Some of them travel as much as 50 km to do so.

On January 3, the Israeli news website Walla reported that  “the  ultra-Orthodox are leading the population vaccination campaign.”  Walla confirmed that ‘the percentage of people vaccinated against corona among ultra-Orthodox society is higher than the rest of the population of all ages.’

Alongside the revelations about the British strain, we also learned about a South African strain that is highly dangerous and possibly resistant to the current vaccines. It takes very little research to figure out that South Africa, together with Brazil and Britain, had been the testing ground for new vaccine trials since September. It is hardly a secret anymore that this was at roughly the same time that the new mutants were discovered in Britain at least.

The above came from two articles written by Gilad Atzmon. They are here:

and here:

My comments: If you do not have health, you have nothing. These Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will ruin the world economy in the first 100 days or so of the Biden admin. And there will additionally be long term consequences to the health of those who took the Pfizer and Moderna experimental jabs.

This is coming at a time when there are more Unpayable Debts to cancel than anytime in history. We have debt based currencies. That means we are headed to the greatest Depression in history. It will be most severe in nations that have the most Unpayable Debts.  Britain, America and Japan come to mind.

We are also entering a Grand Solar Minimum much like the Maunder Minimum of 1645- 1715 when the price of wheat spiked 400% in some of the years due to cold weather crop failures. In the Big Freeze of 1709 in France the price of food spiked 600% after the top meter (nearly 40 inches) of the ground froze.

We have 7 billion more people now than then. I expect Food Riots. And lots of starvation and violence.

Video Rebel’s Blog

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